So today I make this promise to my readers that I will edit my posts much more carefully. I looked over my posts and was embarassed about how sloppy they looked. I'm not an imbecile after all. So I promise to edit them now which was not what I was doing these past posts. I mean communicating ideas is all well and good but I know that no one wants to read sloppy mispelled drivel. They'd rather read drivel that is spelled mostly correctly. *tee hee* So anyways yesterday. Yesterday it was quite warm. It actually reached 95 degrees which is kool 'cause it means that ete est ici, summer is here. However when one has no air conditiong in their 2nd floor apartment which always faces the sun, not so kool then.
Since as I indicated yesterday that the systems at work were down we did nothing but play at work but we had to leave at 2:45 since there was really nothing for us to do and they didn't want to pay us for doing nothing. Soooo I got a ride from a coworker back to Seattle to Capitol Hill from where I then walked back into the CD where I lived. It was hot but I was hydrated so I wasn't bothered by the hills in fact it was kind of invigorating.
Went home and made dinner but that meant of course I was over the oven for about an hour cooking for Trumph and I. After all was said and done he and I were so hot we could barely eat our dinner. It was a good dish though and we have leftovers to munch on for a minute. As the evening wore on the temp in the apt seemed to rise. At one point I was in swim trunks and a tshirt while Trumph was as naked as a jay bird both of us sweating, hot and cranky.
We got into a little spat. I was like:
" I WANT US TO GET OUT OF HERE! I CAN'T THIS NO MO'!" I was just too hot in the apt. Trumph was all:
"Where can we go we aint go no money?"
I roll my eyes for males especially masculine males can be so short sighted at times.
"The water!" I cried now with glee. Trumph just laid there shifting uncomfortably his brown skin glistening with sweat.
" I don' wanna go to the water..." he mumbled. "But you can walk to the water.." he said smugly as he repositioned himself in the fan's field of hot air that it was blowing. I turned around abruptly and muttered somethin' about Imma walk u to da watah nigga, and he was like what?! and called me a bitch, which I was being but it was because I was HOT!!!
So I left not angry it wasn't a real fight just a cranky hot spat tu konprann and I walked to the water. It actually is a lot closer than I thought and I am so thankful we live in the Central District because we are close to everything. I waded in the water...Instant relief...I would have gone swimming but I had my wallet and phone with me and I don't trust folkz so I had to content myself with wading in the shallows but that was satisfying. Left the lake and came home refreshed and in high spirits.
Poor Trumph he sat in that sweltering apt with his lethargic/lazy self and suffered the whole time I was gone and I almost felt sorry for him...Almost. Okay I didn't feel sorry for him at all because he made me walk to the beach but it wasn't a long walk and it was an adventure in Seattle so it was all good.
I tried to give him love but he was all cranky and bitchy while I was happy and refreshed. Still we managed to have an enjoyable evening. Today I plan however to go swimming just because the lake is so close and I love the water. Well that's all for me about today.. Maybe...
My life, poetry, novel posts, videos, just Kyon on the web. Pictures too! Bienvenue entrez s'il vous plait!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
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Salut Mes Zamis Sak Passe!
Wassup Folkz this is me Kyon Saucier also known as Mr Kyon on A4A or Creole Elf on BGC.... Aww come on now like none of y'all are ever on those sites, yeah you are 'cause I've seen you... LOL!
Enter my world for a second... What? Huh? Well yes there are Black People in the NW and yes we have a vibrant culture up here. I mean naw Seattle aint Atlanta or NYC or DC or Chicago or any other city with a huge Black Population, but it's my home and there are few places as beautiful... Not too mention in all of the NW Seattle and Tacoma have the highest Black Population. So come on enter the world of Kyon....Yon Yon Yon.... Sigh. I was trying to make an echo sound. Now look I I know I got some typos and things so be patient with me folkz.... Cause I get excited when I write... Okay there is no excuse 'cept that it's my page I do what I want! *smile*
Enter my world for a second... What? Huh? Well yes there are Black People in the NW and yes we have a vibrant culture up here. I mean naw Seattle aint Atlanta or NYC or DC or Chicago or any other city with a huge Black Population, but it's my home and there are few places as beautiful... Not too mention in all of the NW Seattle and Tacoma have the highest Black Population. So come on enter the world of Kyon....Yon Yon Yon.... Sigh. I was trying to make an echo sound. Now look I I know I got some typos and things so be patient with me folkz.... Cause I get excited when I write... Okay there is no excuse 'cept that it's my page I do what I want! *smile*


Yeah when I was younger I could've been considered a geek. Always my eyes fixed upon a world none could see. Always seeking to escape from the mundane things of this life.

But a geek I think of as dreamer, someone one who delights in things outside of the ordinary.
Just Me Again

And why not? Dreams were not meant for the sleeping times

For the ordinary world need not be such a boring place. There's always more than enough room for the things that make one smile.
Wolf Rider

Bear Claw
Blood Elven Prince

Worlds within worlds
Drow Hunting Party

Dark Elven Elegance
Adieu mes zamis....

May the light of Elves shine upon you....I know it's corny but this is my page!
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