So this morning I watched Senator Vitter on the tele as he talked about how he was not involved with some Louisiana Prostitutes and how sorry he was about being a whore monger some years before. I found it to be a most insincere and full of shit apology. I mean what a hypocrite. So he fucks around with his whores on his wife while promoting family values and says nothing about the stuff until his ass gets put on blast by the DC Madame. Hm mm how interesting. Well Mr. Vitter you were so very vocal about Gay Marriage destroying the family and all that and yet you seem to have ruined your family in a perfectly heterosexual way not one homo aided in your demise.
It continually kills me how hypocritical White Men with Religion can be especially when it comes to Gay Marriage. Now mind you I aint itchin' to marry Trumph at this point but if the relationship lasts marriage would be the natural progression. I'd at least like to have the option. Yet so many of these people talk about Homosexuals are destroying the family and all that crap and yet straight folkz have been and continue to ruin their families all by themselves without gay help. In fact given how badly many of us Gay and Bi folkz have been treated by our families because of homophobia, heteros seem to do more than a bang up job when it comes to family ruin.
I refuse to be scapegoated by the right wing idiots any longer. My love threatens no one and my sex life has very little to do with any of you and yours. Guess what if you don' like same sex marriage don' marry anyone of the same sex. And to all you Vitters out there... I shall simply say those who live in glass houses....
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