Elves, Elves, Elves, Elves why is it that I love Elves so much? I dunno maybe because they are so bad assed! I love fantasy and I've been working on a novel to attempt to try my hands at them so here is a small portion of what I've been working on, if y'all think it's something you'd like to see holla!!!
Dashevu: The Elves of the Shadow
A wewetou Afrkia enfantilzaim sonkofa!
To all Afrika’s children remember!
So with our grief and pain and hand,
Doth all we Fey leave beloved lands
Our Mama’s fate we bequeath to thee
For now is the time of Humanity
Remember us long after the days when we once walked the lands
Think with fondness of us the People Who Can Fly,
It is now your time, it is now your time.
Be still my heart,
Tears form in my eyes,
Be still my spirit for the sun still shines,
Be still my mind for we shall not die,
Still in clarity we see that out world belongs now to Humanity.
Sankofa! Sankofa!
Remember the places of light, which shone bright with enchantments divine.
Remember us!
Sankofa wewetou Afrika
Remember the BaIli who will now dance in the place between waking and dreams
And when your children are sold from you,
When your hearts break with grief for stolen lives and loved ones too,
When you are overwhelmed and believe that you shall not endure
In dreams shall we come and give you strength to continue,
From our lands, the undying shores where it is evergreen, and the stars
Shimmer over an endless crystal sea.
Now with our minds wearied by pain
We must admit that the world has changed. Oh she has changed, oh she has changed and now we Fey must pass away.
So children of all Afrika whether scattered far from her face or held close in her bosom
Remember and in your dark times we’ll hasten to your dreams and give you peace again…
A wewetou Afrika enfantilzaim sonkofa!
For now the White Men come upon you, may the Loas and Orishas protect and save you all.
Oh how all has changed. How our Mama Afrika has changed…. Be still my heart.”—The Zabote Nok BaIli, The Parting Song of the Fey, Afrika the 9th Age
“We are the first peoples who danced upon our Mama Afrika’s chest. We are the children of Aida-Wedo and doth doest her light from our visages fair so shine. All of nature is our delight; the sun, moon, and stars shining with their brilliance are our muses. We are the BaIli, the First People, and none upon Mama Afrika’s face is so fair...”—Early Flower Fairy Poetry, Hurajacame, Flower Fairy Kingdom, the 1st Age
“We are the shadow, we are vengeance, we are the horror of our surface kin, for seek we do to be avenged upon those who exiled us below so long ago in ages long past, from the warmth and light of the sun to this cold and empty perilous darkness! —Early Shadow Elven Poetry, Mingloza, Shadow Elven Kingdom, the 2nd Age
Ye Krik! Ye Krak!
My heart is heavy and my mind has become slowed by weariness that I have thus far not wished to give name. Some have seen this as a madness that holds me fast in its seemingly impenetrable grip. Such things, insanity and madness can be quite common for those of us who are Immortal they say, for I am among one of the eldest of Ilinganya living in these dark days, one of the first of us to be awakened beneath the azure lights of the stars and the soft whiteness of the moon.
Thus even my children speak now in hushed tones about me, sending their concerns to each other believing my mind to be gone, as if my senses do not perceive their words. They sigh, they weep softly, and attempt to bring me comfort, and still my humour does not improve. In whispers then do they exchange their opinions of me and speak so very soft to keep me from hearing their fears. Uneven and nervous laughter sound about me, my courtiers exchange sympathetic smiles and my kin begins to wonder if I am the victim of some mal enchantment. Would it be that these were the real reasons for my malady of late and I would be so relieved that I’d accept my madness without complaint… But my kin, my courtiers, and my subjects beloved though they are, guess of my pain in error. No madness afflicts my mind, no evil enchantment dances in my blood, nor do I long for the release from life of death. Instead it is a great and powerful sorrow that holds me fast. For one fact is now more apparent and very much true, too difficult to any longer ignore…
Afrika is changing.
I feel it in the earth, in the corruption of the soil. I taste it in the stagnant water that was once clear and sweet. I catch the scents of change carried by charnel breezes on soot-tinged winds. The land of our many peoples is no longer hospitable to us. For us, the BaIli , the Fey our time in Afrika is drawing swiftly to a close.
Afrika is changing.
Humans already far to numerous and therefore out of balance, pour over ancient boundaries and once respected borders daily, coming ever closer to mysteries they cannot comprehend and cultures they can never hope to understand. Even now much of what once endured for many a millennia is gone, lost forever beneath the crushing heavy footsteps of the Human race and torn asunder by the avarice that marks the World of Men. For Men, Humans far more than any other race desires complete and total dominion over all of Afrika, in place of even the Loas and Orishas themselves and until the very ending of the earth.
The other races respond to the Human threat in the ways they always have. Denial. The Dwarves, the BaKhazabrah have delved deeper into the earth caring nothing for the shifting world that lies outside of their mountains, caverns, warrens, and great hills. Instead they find salvation in mining for gems, crafting great works of gold, silver, copper and iron, and feting in their great and wondrous halls of stone.
The Halflings, the BaAugogwe live amidst their quaint, quiet countryside havens where the flowers bloom and the yams grow in abundance. They are content to be safe inside of their burrows and remain in innocent ignorance of the growing dangers of the outside world.
The Gnomes, the BaKitsuni go about their lives in their giant termite mound like realms, too busy raiding honeycombs, and singing in the trees or playing mischievous pranks on those lost in their woods to pay any attention to an ever changing world.
The Giants, the BaMalo but for their great size no longer bother with Humans for they live in the mountains where Humans do not yet go and so they feel unaffected and care nothing for the troubles of the little peoples of Afrika. In their pride they believe they are untouchable and yet so very few of them now remain.
The BaEntwida , the Ents are so few in number now that it seems that to all they are but a memory of the earth, for too long has it been since I have sat nestled in the arms of a tree herder listening to the secrets whispered by the trees beneath the warmth of the sunlight and the soft humming patter of the rain.
And my people my children. The BaIli, the Fey go about our lives in our prideful arrogance, delighting still in the light of the stars, and the beauty of nature in all her dispositions. We choose to allow ourselves to be dazzled by the sunlight as it plays over a rainforest after it rains casting rainbows over the sparkling drops of water, ignoring the changes that all of us feel in the earth to which we are so close, as nothing more than simple rumblings. Refusing to admit that what we feel is the impending doom of all the great races, for something far more horrific than Human Expansion threatens all those who inhabit the face of Mama Afrika. The time for the cleansing of the land has come…
Afrika is changing.
I am Nkosa Mamashenge Aida MoSozi Rumbusu, the Queen of the Illinganya Weshi , the Wood Elves, specifically those who dwell in Kingdom of KujaItari. Ours is an expansive and gorgeous rainforest, beneath whose emerald canopy have we found both rest and sanctuary for thousands upon thousands of years. For as long as the trees have stood have we dwelt here in KujaItari, nurturing the trees, the flowers, and sweetly caring for the animals and all things living that are sheltered in our wood.
I have lived since we began, far longer than any of my Wood Elven brethren, and my Fey Cousins for I was one of the first of the BaIli to be awakened. Oh my children the things I have seen… I saw the ascent of the nations of the Fey Peoples, the BaIli, in all of our majesties, glories, enchantments, and beauty. I’ve heard the songs of the Fairies as the sun set and faded giving way to twilight. I have watched Sprites dancing amongst lush jungle groves and observed Pixies frolicking in the warm light of the sun upon the savannahs and veldts. I have witnessed Elves feting under the soft white light of the moon and the cold blue brilliant fire of the stars. Listened with wonder to the tales of the forests and the songs of the trees whilst sitting rapt at the feet of the Ents and their graceful Entwives.
I was there when the great wars of the Fey came to pass; I watched in horror and grief as the Elves, the Fairies, the Pixies and the Sprites all of us, tore ourselves asunder. I remember clearly when the Dashevu , the Ijuela , the Cravishagas , and the Yenu were cursed by the Vodoun and forced below the ground never again to live under the light of the sun.
My eyes and memories know of Human and Dwarven Kingdoms that have risen and fallen, my ears still echo with the cries of those who once lived in Elven and Fairy strongholds that were destroyed by Human hands and works. I’ve seen bitter enemies amongst the peoples of Afrika forget their differences and forge great and lasting peace.
I was there my children when the 1st and only alliance between Humans, Elves, Fairies, Sprites, Pixies, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, Ents, and Giants fought the great darkness that once threatened us all with certain extinction and overcome victorious! Such sights I have seen. What songs I have sung, such magic have I weaved, what splendors have these ancient Elven eyes beheld? Yet those times and images have long since faded almost past remembrance as a new and uncertain age comes upon us now…
Afrika is changing.
Something foul and undeniably powerful, something ancient, something forgotten that should not have been stirs quietly in South. The signs of Mama Afrika’s resulting pain are everywhere and none, not even the Humans can deny the growing signs of her malaise. The mountains and hills scream in pain. The earth cracks and dries yielding nothing of her once overflowing bounty. The great herds die off in droves, victims of a plague unseen for thousands of years. The rivers, lakes, streams, and ponds are poisoned, the water foul and undrinkable. Fish, crocodiles, hippos, frogs, and waterfowl wash upon their shores twisted in death agonies by the thousands. The sky darkens, while shadows form and mar the land even by the cleansing light of day. All of nature is crying out and travailing….
Afrika is changing.
Daily do skirmishes with the Nyaru , the Goblin Folk and other monsters increase in number and murderous viciousness amongst all the Peoples of Afrika. I have seen these battles for survival pitched in my mind and to my horror it is the forces of evil that overcome more and more, the forces of goodness. I feel an evil, alien and cruel in it’s machinations slowly and stealthily growing, germinating and taking root in the earth whilst all the Peoples of Afrika, even my cursed cousins, the BaIli Nizara below, begin to tremble with a nameless fear.
May the Vodoun save us all for these acts are her doing and I know and feel in my very bones that she in all of her unmatchable evil is amongst us again. Somehow, forgotten by time and ignored by the salves of victory, peace, and prosperity she has returned and she is far stronger than before. Surely as I speak to you she is seeking her goal, for her darkness to be put forth again to cover all of Afrika past even the ending of this world.
She, this nameless evil is a hungry, malicious, cruel, and avarice filled monster that thrives only on the pain of death, the agony of battle, the destruction of all life, even her allies, consuming all before her and leaving ruin, corruption and death in her wake. Surely as I speak to you my children she is coming for she desires this. Meanwhile we are all divided by our views, our opinions, beliefs, our myriad of histories, our methodologies, our hubris, and our arrogance, all the while her darkness once so nascent now grows and creeps steadily ever closer, gaining with each day passing more and more strength. Aided by the Nyaru, the monsters, dragons, demons, and all things foul and monstrous that lives above and below she draws sustenance from their powers, gains vitality from their collective evil; and she is beginning to hold sway over them. If she succeeds in her quest of blight and doom than all of us; Human, Fairy, Pixie, Elf, Sprite, Halfling, Gnome, Dwarf, Giant, Ent, even the very animals who live along side us, and the plants that ornament the face of Mama Afrika in all our shapes, colors, and extraordinary beauty will be lost forever consumed by her terrible and unquenchable hunger.
Yet those Immortals such as I believe a time shall come when those who many of the BaIli and those of the other races would believe to be the very children of such a being shall confront her darkness and save us all. For they are not her children but instead they are my kin, for no race that is BaIli is beyond redemption and their salvation shall be the salvation of all Afrika’s children. Thus shall we BaIli be renewed and we shall cleanse the land of her evil alongside the other races one last time. Then we BaIli, all of us, must with a great and heavy grief depart from Afrika. For this is our last age now and the Humans come upon us like the waves upon the sand, always moving in, never satisfied, thirsting for domination. The world is no longer ours to share beside them.
Like darkness they too shall come with their avarice, their earth stripping greed, their lust for complete power and dominion, their blind eyes that refuse to see, their deaf ears that will not hear and their fear of difference that hardens their hearts against even each other and causes them to war in conflicts that spiral farther and farther into the realm of chaos.
Afrika is changing…
Oh Mama Afrika upon whose face I lived, loved, lost and borne children, upon whose chest I have danced, battled, and ruled. In your arms have I laughed and cried, to your heavens has my voice sang clear, to your bounty have I shown stewardship and reverence. Oh how I lament your fate once the First Peoples, the BaIli, the Fey leave your fair and mysterious shores. The Humans shall not usher in a better world and I have foreseen the horror the Humans of Afrika shall see when we have departed the shores of this most wondrous homeland. I see savage and striving warfare, debilitating famines, villages and cities burning, and trains of men, women, and children torn from all they know and love bound in chains stretching from the jungles, forests, and savannahs unto the windswept coasts where the sky meets the sea.
Men from across the sea, men with the bleached skin of the dead who prowl this earth as ravenous hyenas shall appear consuming all they can, killing whom they will, slaying even the Vodoun with a faith they shall not follow as they rob and thieve the Humans and treasures of Afrika to die in far off places unseen in the grip of crushing, unyielding lethal servitude.
The wars will then accelerate and lead past slavery to these Bleached Men ruling the land, and rupturing the tribes and ethnic groups among the Humans, poisoning the land with a new darkness, taking all that is rich and leaving a grinding poverty and unfathomable dependence upon them in their wake. When they finally leave, they will leave you Mama Afrika, broken and bloodied, bereft of millions of your children, grasping for your jewels, sobbing at the memory of your once majestic forests and wrought with pains that you never endured in the worst days of the wars of my people. All these horrors shall the Humans perpetuate wholly upon themselves…
Afrika is changing…
This land is no longer mine and the time of my kind passes even now. So come my children, stand fast with me and gather round to witness the start of the events that shall redeem my cursed cousins who reside below. For without them all is naught, and we of all the races shall fall into darkness, flames and death. Without them, we the BaIli retreat to the undying lands broken and incomplete and without us surely shall the Humans crush them in the never-ending wave of numbers that is their advantage. This omnipresent crush of Humanity shall rise up against their strongholds and wipe them away, their blood ushering the time of Men in Afrika with horror that shall bring horrors. Yebo my child Afrika is changing and the last age of our long time upon her face now begins. I only hope that we are able to save ourselves in time before we are all lost in the great darkness that the evil one stirring in her dark silence is seeking…Protect my people blessed Aida-Wedo; Queen of the Rainbows, for Afrika has changed.
Ye Krik! Ye Krak!
Soooo what do ya think let me know. Aiight hope you all are having a great day peace!
My life, poetry, novel posts, videos, just Kyon on the web. Pictures too! Bienvenue entrez s'il vous plait!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
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Salut Mes Zamis Sak Passe!
Wassup Folkz this is me Kyon Saucier also known as Mr Kyon on A4A or Creole Elf on BGC.... Aww come on now like none of y'all are ever on those sites, yeah you are 'cause I've seen you... LOL!
Enter my world for a second... What? Huh? Well yes there are Black People in the NW and yes we have a vibrant culture up here. I mean naw Seattle aint Atlanta or NYC or DC or Chicago or any other city with a huge Black Population, but it's my home and there are few places as beautiful... Not too mention in all of the NW Seattle and Tacoma have the highest Black Population. So come on enter the world of Kyon....Yon Yon Yon.... Sigh. I was trying to make an echo sound. Now look I I know I got some typos and things so be patient with me folkz.... Cause I get excited when I write... Okay there is no excuse 'cept that it's my page I do what I want! *smile*
Enter my world for a second... What? Huh? Well yes there are Black People in the NW and yes we have a vibrant culture up here. I mean naw Seattle aint Atlanta or NYC or DC or Chicago or any other city with a huge Black Population, but it's my home and there are few places as beautiful... Not too mention in all of the NW Seattle and Tacoma have the highest Black Population. So come on enter the world of Kyon....Yon Yon Yon.... Sigh. I was trying to make an echo sound. Now look I I know I got some typos and things so be patient with me folkz.... Cause I get excited when I write... Okay there is no excuse 'cept that it's my page I do what I want! *smile*


Yeah when I was younger I could've been considered a geek. Always my eyes fixed upon a world none could see. Always seeking to escape from the mundane things of this life.

But a geek I think of as dreamer, someone one who delights in things outside of the ordinary.
Just Me Again

And why not? Dreams were not meant for the sleeping times

For the ordinary world need not be such a boring place. There's always more than enough room for the things that make one smile.
Wolf Rider

Bear Claw
Blood Elven Prince

Worlds within worlds
Drow Hunting Party

Dark Elven Elegance
Adieu mes zamis....

May the light of Elves shine upon you....I know it's corny but this is my page!
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