Bonjour bonjour se samedei encore... Ouais se parfait! So it is the weekend, just got my hair cut, been paid, going to get a new fit... And I won't have Bumpalump until tomorrow. I suppose that's the only drag for today. still it's okay I can go shopping easier without having to care for the baby, not that I mind in the least but well those with little people I'm sure can understand. It is a labor of love emphasis on the labor. All is well and bright and I am loving life.
I suppose today I'm just kinda in a real chill mood, and things seem to be going well. Trumph has gigs all day so... I dunno this will be a short post because I am hungry but let's see. So yesterday at work I watched Vacancy. Has anyone seen this movie? Mon Dieu what a twisted and horrifying film. I'm kinda cool on rundown motels now. I told Trumph from now on we stay in Hotels or people's houses. None of this stayin on the wayside business.
Now of course I loved the movie because htye were not extremely stupid white people however I could not have made myself comfortable in place that had roaches and bathroom like that motel had. Trumph and I would've bounced on GP just for that. However the way the film built up after they saw those snuff films. I mean I was pretty shook. Not that it takes much though.
Tonight I'm going to do one of my BGM community things and go to a screening of Ski Trip which I've seen already but it's cool I like the movie. Maurice Jamal is a genius, and from what I've read and seen he seems like a really cool guy. I am in much anticipation of what B Boy Blues will be like.
You know something love is hard. I mean it is. After the honeymoon phase ends it becomes sometimes difficult but it is worth it. I feel so blessed even though I bitch about him at times to have my Trumph. He's so good to me and I can be such a tete de merde at times. He can be an ass himself but I dunno we balance each other out.
Trumph has taught me that life is still wonderful, that unconditional love is possible in a relationship, that acceptance is real in a family, I feel with Trumph that we matter because of how kind his family is and has been to me. His mother Mme Beatrice is an angel.
I dunno it's just like whoever you are that is reading this now stop... Reflect and then count your blessings. You are still here and you can and will overcome. God has enough love for you, there is love for you in this world and I'll bet if you really think about you don' have to go far to find it. No I'm not in a Pollyanna world, I'm just being real. I hurt, I cry, I've suffered, but I know love and I have it in my life and that is so beautiful.
So today to all of you I give love. Now give that to someone else. Be blessed and Bon Weeked mes zamis.
My life, poetry, novel posts, videos, just Kyon on the web. Pictures too! Bienvenue entrez s'il vous plait!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
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Salut Mes Zamis Sak Passe!
Wassup Folkz this is me Kyon Saucier also known as Mr Kyon on A4A or Creole Elf on BGC.... Aww come on now like none of y'all are ever on those sites, yeah you are 'cause I've seen you... LOL!
Enter my world for a second... What? Huh? Well yes there are Black People in the NW and yes we have a vibrant culture up here. I mean naw Seattle aint Atlanta or NYC or DC or Chicago or any other city with a huge Black Population, but it's my home and there are few places as beautiful... Not too mention in all of the NW Seattle and Tacoma have the highest Black Population. So come on enter the world of Kyon....Yon Yon Yon.... Sigh. I was trying to make an echo sound. Now look I I know I got some typos and things so be patient with me folkz.... Cause I get excited when I write... Okay there is no excuse 'cept that it's my page I do what I want! *smile*
Enter my world for a second... What? Huh? Well yes there are Black People in the NW and yes we have a vibrant culture up here. I mean naw Seattle aint Atlanta or NYC or DC or Chicago or any other city with a huge Black Population, but it's my home and there are few places as beautiful... Not too mention in all of the NW Seattle and Tacoma have the highest Black Population. So come on enter the world of Kyon....Yon Yon Yon.... Sigh. I was trying to make an echo sound. Now look I I know I got some typos and things so be patient with me folkz.... Cause I get excited when I write... Okay there is no excuse 'cept that it's my page I do what I want! *smile*


Yeah when I was younger I could've been considered a geek. Always my eyes fixed upon a world none could see. Always seeking to escape from the mundane things of this life.

But a geek I think of as dreamer, someone one who delights in things outside of the ordinary.
Just Me Again

And why not? Dreams were not meant for the sleeping times

For the ordinary world need not be such a boring place. There's always more than enough room for the things that make one smile.
Wolf Rider

Bear Claw
Blood Elven Prince

Worlds within worlds
Drow Hunting Party

Dark Elven Elegance
Adieu mes zamis....

May the light of Elves shine upon you....I know it's corny but this is my page!
1 comment:
tete de merde = piece of shit?
I watch Ski Trip like 10 times when I had in on DVR. What I liked best about it was that it was believeable.
And thanks for the love. I'll be sure to pass it on.
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