My life, poetry, novel posts, videos, just Kyon on the web. Pictures too! Bienvenue entrez s'il vous plait!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
1. Start reading more again. I used to read alot, and I still do but I desperately need books in that vein I am going to go ahead and clean up my library fines just bite bullet and do that so I can start reading more again. There are so many things I want to ready because there are stories I have not yet heard or dreamt and so many things I have not yet learned so there you go.
2. I have a very obvious goal and if you have read my posts than I am going to assume you know what that is and you wish me continual luck in that endeavor as I continue down this road of healthy emotional outlets that are not self destructive. Nuff said, it should be number 1 I suppose but whatever....
3. I need to be a more attentive mate. It's not that I am not one now but I realize that at times I can be selfish, I can be quite cold and when I am feeling that I have earned a moral victory I can be a bit vicious. I am not these things all the time but I recognize that I am multifacted person after all, but I do have those qualities that can show up in certain situations and I want to be a better man to my Trumph so in that regard I shall work on those less than desirable qualties.
4. Try to be more friendly to people in the Seattle Black Gay Community closer to my age and not be so bitchy. Well I'm not really bitchy, not at all, I'm actually a pretty funny guy with an easy laugh and ready smile who is always down for those who iz down for me. I'm not to concerned about whether you have money or not 'cause it aint mine, nor do I care if you dress a certain way or whatever. I aint shallow or superficial. I mean you need to be reasonably clean and groomed, take care of yourself a bit, be a generally a cool person who respects and loves yourself 1st (cause you won't and can't do right by me if you don't) and have things in your character like empathy, intelligence ( a reasonable amount), compassion, and the ability to say I'm wrong or I'm sorry. Guess what? Not alot of folkz in my age range here seem to have tall ofthose things in combination except for the looking good part. And even that is faulty. I aint rich, but I do okay for myself however I am not into looking down on people for naything like clothes or cars or financial status. How dare I be like that when I am not wealthy and living the flossy life?
But these bitches up here in the NW are sooo like that. And the ha ha is that these lil faggot assed niggas are mostly broke bitches who floss Chanel sunglasses with the labels for all to see (check it the lower end kind cause the high designer shit does not have a label catch it, you simply recognize the design because you know it, the fashionistes up in here I'm sure will feel me on this), and then they hop on the bus or get into there overcrowded hoopties to go back to their one room studios with a sleeping bag and color tv only, they can't afford anything else since they go broke buying designer clothes. Or they all live with their parents, not room mates their parents. You get the drift. Not a crowd I can respect you feel me?
That does not mean I have to be rude to them even though they are rude to me...What you know what scratch this goal how about I will seek out friends as I have been in the BGM community that have the qualities I want in a friend and be polite to those who do not. Unless they fuck with me. Yeah that sounds better. Tee-hee
5. I will be forgive. Jesus forgives and I need to do more of that. I tend to hold on to grudges sometimes and I have found all it does is poison my soul and spirit. My uncle Henry Greenidge once told me forgiveness is not so much for the other person as it is for you and he is right. It is for my benefit and in the interest in being free TO LIVE FREE TO LOVE better, I am going to be working on that. The goal is self improvment.
6. Going to the gym. I like my body I am not fat or doughy, I am trim and lean but I could be a little healthier and I would like a more defined chest so therefore, why not? It will only help my sexy factor.
7. Finish my novel. Than I will be rich and feted like Frank Leon Roberts and Keith Boykin and the rest.... Then again fame and noteriety are not things I've really been a fan of. Still I will finish my novel for the money side and because why not my writings shall make me immortal. I'll pass on the fame though. That's a drag just ask that crazy bitch Mamzelle Spears.
8. We shall do some home improvements. We need some things Trumph and I. A new television, an XBOX 360 (well I want that I don't need it), some more pots and pans and a garbage can cause what we have rigged up now works for him but not for me. There are some other things to but par le grace de Dieu it is all coming together even now. Why? Cause when you are kind to peeple honey the luv youuuu and give you help and aid. Dats why silly.
9. Greater financial responsibility. I can be and have been a money drunk, but the 20's are finished and I must change with my age. It's time to be more responsible with my finances I'm embarassed almost at some my financial mistakes and in order to be a better man I NEED to be on that. I mean I'm living from paycheck to paycheck as well, but I do not need to be living that way if I just begin budgeting better. Which I do sometimes but I gotta do it all the time. This adulthood thing it's hard, I mean when I was 5 I just thought I was going to eat all the candy I wanted and jump and down on my bed whenever I desired.
10. To make all of this happen and put it all into practice starting today.
So Noel was nice I got an Xbox it's all about Video games from here on out. I'm currently playing Xmen Legends and after I finish I will do Xmen Legends 2. I have already finished the Demon Stone game. Paid bills so I'm broke but whatever I get paid again and transportation is covered. Life is alright. No complaints. I bought Trumph some nice stuff and I also got a new fit, 3 bottles of cologne, and I also got of course some video games. The Xbox 360 will be soon to follow I will purchase that for myself.
I have not made nan New Year's Resolutions becuase I find them to be a bit too trite. You make resolutions all year round when you identify an issue that you have not just because a new year is commencing. Plus in my opinion most folkz do not sitck to them in the first place.
Well here are some photos of all my peoples from Noel, my maternal family.

My lovely mother Patricia Anne Randolph Greenidge and her sister Cynthia Randolph King aint they pretty?
My cousin Cassie Randolph aka Pocahontas it's what we call her because all of the Cherokee, Blackfoot, and Crow blood in my maternal line show's upon her face even though she's actually half Black half white. When she was a baby I used to call her Coos-Coos. I still do sometimes.

My 2 maternal half brothers Timothy and Michael are stading up doing their faux Thug posses thety do in every picture. I love them but gosh straight guyz can be so predictable. My cousin Jason King, Auntie Cynthia's son is seated next my Trumph who is sitting beside my step father, the Bajun, David Greenidge. They make a nice looking bunch I think.
Finally we have Angela Timothy's Grilfriend. She is a lovely girl and a sweetheart. I hope he marries her and doesn't fuck this relationship up cause I like this girl. His last girlfriend was a whiny, needy bitch.

Noel as I said was nice. We had it early on 12/23/07 at Auntie Cynthia's apt in Redmond which is about 5 minutes from my job so that was kool. We ate and laughed and drank, opened gifts and were generally merry. I love my family and it was actually nice to seem them. None of them got on my nerves this time and my parents were very kind and considerate to Trumph... I know right that is a gift in and of itself.
In other news...

Okay I so do not care. If Chris Stokes molested him which could be totally true why did not Raz B say something earlier? I'm sorry I'm Raz B apart of B2K one of the biggest boy bands of the decade and I am making millions of dollars and I have lots of money and yet I can't open my mouth to say my manager is putting his zigi in my bounda? Pleeze. Either someone knew and covered it up or this is all made up or Raz B is having a hard time coming to terms with his own sexuality and needs a way to cover it up. Moelstation is so paired with males being gay that it gets on my nerves but to straight people in their ignorance it seems to be a great excuse. But to be honest, I did not appreciate his I am a real man I'm not gay crap...Sorry every gay man is a real man and do you know why? I'm sure you know already, it's because we have these things called penises. Then he reatracts the statement what is going on with that? If someone had sexually abused me I would have given a fuck about what they said they were going to do my career cause the light is on me. The youth of today such stupidty sometimes... A real man would've retracted his statement like a lil bitch. So for that and for so many otherthings about this celebrity trash bullshit I could care less. I mean so much is going on in the world in our country and in our communities amongst our people and all we can talk about is this foolishness? Can we Black Gay Men talk about some real shit please?

WELL DUH! Who is suprised by that? What I wonder is who is the top and who is the bottom? Any of y'all got pictures of that? LOL!
Not a good thing and I like many of the Pakistani People not only blame Musharraf for her death but I believe that her death was instigated, planned and ultimately executed by his government. With Pakistan teetering on the precipice who knows what will happen now for the Indian Subcontinent and for the Middle East. I'm not going to hold her up as a saint becuase she wasn't. However she was a major and stabilizing driving force for political change and gender equality in Pakistan and her death is a loss for a great many of the Pakistani People. This is a big deal folkz and one that we as American Nationals should be paying attention too.
Here is a bit of info about Benazir Bhutto.
Benazir Bhutto (June 21, 1953, – December 27, 2007) was a Pakistani politician who chaired the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), a centre-left political party in Pakistan affiliated to the Socialist International. Bhutto was the first woman elected to lead a Muslim state,[citation needed] having been twice elected Prime Minister of Pakistan.
Bhutto was the eldest child of former prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, a Pakistani of Sindhi descent and Shia Muslim by faith, and Begum Nusrat Bhutto, a Pakistani of Iranian-Kurdish descent, of similarly Shia Muslim by faith. Her paternal grandfather was Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto, who came to Larkana Sindh before partition from his native town of Bhatto Kalan, which was situated in the Indian state of Haryana.
Bhutto was sworn in for the first time in 1988 at the age of 35, but was removed from office 20 months later under the order of then-president Ghulam Ishaq Khan on grounds of alleged corruption. In 1993 Bhutto was re-elected but was again removed in 1996 on similar charges, this time by President Farooq Leghari. Bhutto went into self-imposed exile in Dubai in 1998.
Bhutto returned to Pakistan on 18 October 2007, after reaching an understanding with President Pervez Musharraf by which she was granted amnesty and all corruption charges were withdrawn. She was assassinated on December 27, 2007, after departing a PPP rally in the Pakistani city of Rawalpindi, two weeks before the scheduled Pakistani general election of 2008 where she was a leading opposition candidate.
Education and personal life
Benazir Bhutto was born to Begum Nusrat Ispahani, and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto of a prominent Shia Muslim family of Larkana , in Karachi, Dominion of Pakistan on June 21, 1953. She attended the Lady Jennings Nursery School and then the Convent of Jesus and Mary in Karachi.[1] After two years of schooling at the Rawalpindi Presentation Convent, she was sent to the Jesus and Mary Convent at Murree. She passed her O-level examinations at the age of 15.[2] She then went on to complete her A-Levels at the Karachi Grammar School.
After completing her early education in Pakistan, she pursued her higher education in the United States. From 1969 to 1973 she attended Radcliffe College at Harvard University, where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree with cum laude honors in comparative government.[3] She was also elected to Phi Beta Kappa.[2] Bhutto would later call her time at Harvard "four of the happiest years of my life" and said it formed "the very basis of [her] belief in democracy". As Prime Minister, she arranged a gift from the Pakistani government to Harvard Law School.[4]
The next phase of her education took place in the United Kingdom. Between 1973 and 1977 Bhutto studied Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. She completed a course in International Law and Diplomacy whilst at Oxford.[5] In December 1976 she was elected president of the Oxford Union, becoming the first Asian woman to head the prestigious debating society.[2]
On December 18, 1987 she married Asif Ali Zardari in Karachi. The couple had three children: Bilawal, Bakhtwar and Aseefa.
Benazir Bhutto's father, former Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, was removed from office following a military coup in 1977 led by the then military chief General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, who imposed martial law but promised to hold elections within three months. But later, instead of fulfilling the promise of holding general elections, General Zia charged Mr. Bhutto with conspiring to murder the father of dissident politician Ahmed Raza Kasuri. Mr. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was sentenced to death by the martial law court.
Despite the accusation being "widely doubted by the public",[6] and despite many clemency appeals from foreign leaders, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was hanged on 4 April 1979. Appeals for clemency were dismissed by acting President General Zia. Benazir Bhutto and her mother were held in a "police camp" until the end of May, after the execution.[7]
In 1985, Benazir Bhutto's brother Shahnawaz was killed under suspicious circumstances in France. The killing of another of her brothers, Mir Murtaza, in 1996, contributed to destabilizing her second term as Prime Minister.
Her son Bilawal was, despite his relative youth, being groomed as her heir apparent to the political dynasty. With Bhutto's death on December 27, 2007, there was early speculation that he may attempt to represent the PPP in the mid-January 2008 elections. On 30 December 2007, the Central Election Commission (CEC) approved the delegation of the succession that Asif Ali Zardari, Bhutto's widower, had been given to lead the Pakistan's People's Party (PPP), as stated in Bhutto's [will], to her son.
Bhutto, who had returned to Pakistan after completing her studies, found herself placed under house arrest in the wake of her father's imprisonment and subsequent execution. Having been allowed in 1984 to return to the United Kingdom, she became a leader in exile of the PPP, her father's party, though she was unable to make her political presence felt in Pakistan until after the death of General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq. She had succeeded her mother as leader of the PPP and the pro-democracy opposition to the Zia-ul-Haq regime.
On November 16, 1988, in the first open election in more than a decade, Bhutto's PPP won the largest bloc of seats in the National Assembly. Bhutto was sworn in as Prime Minister of a coalition government on December 2, becoming at age 35 the youngest person — and the first woman — to head the government of a Muslim-majority state in modern times. In 1989, she was awarded the Prize For Freedom by the Liberal International. Bhutto accomplishments during this time were in initiatives for nationalist reform and modernization, that some conservatives characterized as Westernization. Bhutto's government was dismissed in 1990 following charges of corruption, for which she never was tried. Zia's protégé Nawaz Sharif subsequently came to power. Bhutto was re-elected in 1993 but was dismissed three years later amid various corruption scandals by then president Farooq Leghari, who used the Eighth Amendment discretionary powers to dissolve the government. The Supreme Court affirmed President Leghari's dismissal in a 6-1 ruling.[8]
After being dismissed by the then-president of Pakistan on charges of corruption, her party lost the October elections. She served as leader of the opposition whilst Nawaz Sharif became Prime Minister for the next three years.
Elections were held again in October 1993 and her PPP coalition was victorious, returning Bhutto to office. She continued with her reform initiatives. In 1996 her government was once again dismissed on corruption charges. Criticism against Bhutto came from the Punjabi elites and powerful landlord families who opposed Bhutto. She blamed this opposition for the destabilization of Pakistan. Irshad Manji judged her attempts to modernize Pakistan a failure.[9]
Policies for women
During the election campaigns the Bhutto government voiced its concern for women's social and health issues, including the issue of discrimination against women. Bhutto announced plans to establish women's police stations, courts, and women's development banks. Despite these plans, Bhutto did not propose any legislation to improve welfare services for women. During her election campaigns, she promised to repeal controversial laws (such as Hudood and Zina ordinances) that curtail the rights of women in Pakistan, but the party did not fulfill these promises during her tenures as Prime Minister, due to immense pressure from the opposition.[citation needed]
After Bhutto's stints as Prime Minister, during General Musharraf's regime, her party did initiate legislation to repeal the Zina ordinance. These efforts were defeated by the right-wing religious parties that dominated the legislatures at the time.[citation needed]
Bhutto was an active and founding member of the Council of Women World Leaders, a network of current and former prime ministers and presidents.
Policy on Taliban
The Taliban took power in Kabul in September 1996. It was during Bhutto's rule that the Taliban gained prominence in Afghanistan. She, like many leaders at the time, viewed the Taliban as a group that could stabilize Afghanistan and enable trade access to the Central Asian republics, according to author Stephen Coll.[10] He claims that like the U.S., her government provided military and financial support for the Taliban, even sending a small unit of the Pakistani army into Afghanistan.
More recently, she took an anti-Taliban stance, and condemned terrorist acts allegedly committed by the Taliban and their supporters.
Bhutto went into self-imposed exile in Dubai in 1998.
Charges of corruption
French, Polish, Spanish, and Swiss documents have fueled the charges of corruption against Bhutto and her husband. Bhutto and her husband faced a number of legal proceedings, including a charge of laundering money through Swiss banks. Her husband, Asif Ali Zardari, spent eight years in prison on similar corruption charges. Zardari, released from jail in 2004, has suggested that his time in prison involved torture; human rights groups have supported his claim that his rights were violated.[11]
A 1998 New York Times investigative report[12] indicates that Pakistani investigators have documents that uncover a network of bank accounts, all linked to the family's lawyer in Switzerland, with Asif Zardari as the principal shareholder. According to the article, documents released by the French authorities indicated that Zardari offered exclusive rights to Dassault, a French aircraft manufacturer, to replace the air force's fighter jets in exchange for a 5% commission to be paid to a Swiss corporation controlled by Zardari. The article also said a Dubai company received an exclusive license to import gold into Pakistan for which Asif Zardari received payments of more than $10 million into his Dubai-based Citibank accounts. The owner of the company denied that he had made payments to Zardari and claims the documents were forged. Bhutto maintained that the charges leveled against her and her husband were purely political.[13][14] An Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP) report supports Bhutto's claim. It presents information suggesting that Benazir Bhutto was ousted from power in 1990 as a result of a witch hunt approved by then-president Ghulam Ishaq Khan. The AGP report says Khan illegally paid legal advisers 28 million Rupees to file 19 corruption cases against Bhutto and her husband in 1990-92.[15]
The assets held by Bhutto and her husband have been scrutinized. The prosecutors have alleged that their Swiss bank accounts contain £740 million.[16] Zardari also bought a neo-Tudor mansion and estate worth over £4 million in Surrey, England, UK.[17][18] The Pakistani investigations have tied other overseas properties to Zardari's family. These include a $2.5 million manor in Normandy owned by Zardari's parents, who had modest assets at the time of his marriage.[12] Bhutto denied holding substantive overseas assets.
On July 23, 1998, the Swiss Government handed over documents to the government of Pakistan which relate to corruption allegations against Benazir Bhutto and her husband.[19] The documents included a formal charge of money laundering by Swiss authorities against Zardari. The Pakistani government had been conducting a wide-ranging inquiry to account for more than $13.7 million frozen by Swiss authorities in 1997 that was allegedly stashed in banks by Bhutto and her husband. The Pakistani government recently filed criminal charges against Bhutto in an effort to track down an estimated $1.5 billion she and her husband are alleged to have received in a variety of criminal enterprises.[20] The documents suggest that the money Zardari was alleged to have laundered was accessible to Benazir Bhutto and had been used to buy a diamond necklace for over $175,000.[21] The PPP has responded by flatly denying the charges, suggesting that Swiss authorities have been misled by false evidence provided by Islamabad.
On August 6, 2003, Swiss magistrates found Bhutto and her husband guilty of money laundering.[22] They were given six-month suspended jail terms, fined $50,000 each and were ordered to pay $11 million to the Pakistani government. The six-year trial concluded that Bhutto and Zardari deposited in Swiss accounts $10 million given to them by a Swiss company in exchange for a contract in Pakistan. The couple said they would appeal. The Pakistani investigators say Zardari opened a Citibank account in Geneva in 1995 through which they say he passed some $40 million of the $100 million he received in payoffs from foreign companies doing business in Pakistan.[23] In October 2007, Daniel Zappelli, chief prosecutor of the canton of Geneva, said he received the conclusions of a money laundering investigation against former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto on Monday, October 29, but it was unclear whether there would be any further legal action against her in Switzerland.[24]
The Polish Government has given Pakistan 500 pages of documentation relating to corruption allegations against Benazir Bhutto and her husband. These charges are in regard to the purchase of 8,000 tractors in a 1997 deal.[25][26] According to Pakistani officials, the Polish papers contain details of illegal commissions paid by the tractor company in return for agreeing to their contract.[27] It was alleged that the arrangement "skimmed" Rs 103 mn rupees ($2 million) in kickbacks.[28] "The documentary evidence received from Poland confirms the scheme of kickbacks laid out by Asif Zardari and Benazir Bhutto in the name of (the) launching of Awami tractor scheme," APP said. Bhutto and Asif Ali Zardari allegedly received a 7.15% commission on the purchase through their front men, Jens Schlegelmilch and Didier Plantin of Dargal S.A., who received about $1.969 million for supplying 5,900 Ursus tractors.[29]
Potentially the most lucrative deal alleged in the documents involved the effort by Dassault Aviation, a French military contractor. French authorities indicated in 1998 that Bhutto's husband, Zardari, offered exclusive rights to Dassault to replace the air force’s fighter jets in exchange for a five percent commission to be paid to a corporation in Switzerland controlled by Zardari.[30]
At the time, French corruption laws forbade bribery of French officials but permitted payoffs to foreign officials, and even made the payoffs tax-deductible in France. However, France changed this law in 2000.[31]
Western Asia
In the largest single payment investigators have uncovered, a gold bullion dealer in Western Asia was alleged to have deposited at least $10 million into one of Zardari's accounts after the Bhutto government gave him a monopoly on gold imports that sustained Pakistan's jewellery industry. The money was allegedly deposited into Zardari's Citibank account in Dubai. Pakistan's Arabian Sea coast, stretching from Karachi to the border with Iran, has long been a gold smugglers' haven. Until the beginning of Bhutto's second term, the trade, running into hundreds of millions of dollars a year, was unregulated, with slivers of gold called biscuits, and larger weights in bullion, carried on planes and boats that travel between the Persian Gulf and the largely unguarded Pakistani coast.
Shortly after Bhutto returned as prime minister in 1993, a Pakistani bullion trader in Dubai, Abdul Razzak Yaqub, proposed a deal: in return for the exclusive right to import gold, Razzak would help the government regularize the trade. In November 1994, Pakistan's Commerce Ministry wrote to Razzak informing him that he had been granted a license that made him, for at least the next two years, Pakistan's sole authorized gold importer. In an interview in his office in Dubai, Razzak acknowledged that he had used the license to import more than $500 million in gold into Pakistan, and that he had travelled to Islamabad several times to meet with Bhutto and Zardari. But he denied that there had been any corruption or secret deals. "I have not paid a single cent to Zardari," he said. Razzak claims that someone in Pakistan who wished to destroy his reputation had contrived to have his company wrongly identified as the depositor. "Somebody in the bank has cooperated with my enemies to make false documents," he said.[32][33][34][35]
Early 2000s in exile
In 2002, Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf amended Pakistan's constitution to ban prime ministers from serving more than two terms. This disqualified Bhutto from ever holding the office again. This move was widely considered to be a direct attack on former prime ministers Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif. On August 3, 2003, Bhutto became a member of Minhaj ul Quran International (An international Muslim educational and welfare organization).[36][37][38]
Whilst living in Dubai, United Arab Emirates she cared for her three children and her mother, who was suffering from Alzheimer's disease, traveling to give lectures and keeping in touch with the PPP's supporters. They were reunited with her husband in December 2004 after more than five years.[39][40][41][42] In 2006, Interpol issued a request for the arrest of Bhutto and her husband on corruption charges, at the request of Pakistan. The Bhuttos questioned the legality of the requests in a letter to Interpol.[43] On 27 January 2007 she was invited by the United States to speak to President George W. Bush and Congressional and State Department officials.[44] Bhutto appeared as a panellist on the BBC TV programme Question Time in the UK in March 2007. She has also appeared on BBC current affairs programme Newsnight on several occasions. She rebuffed comments made by Muhammad Ijaz-ul-Haq in May 2007 regarding the knighthood of Salman Rushdie, citing that he was calling for the assassination of foreign citizens.[45][46][47]
Bhutto had declared her intention to return to Pakistan within 2007, which she did, in spite of Musharraf's statements of May 2007 about not allowing her to return ahead of the country's general election, due late 2007 or early 2008. It was speculated that she may have been offered the office of Prime Minister again.[48][49][50]
Arthur Herman, a U.S. historian, in a controversial letter published in The Wall Street Journal on 14 June 2007, in response to an article by Bhutto highly critical of the president and his policies, has described her as "One of the most incompetent leaders in the history of South Asia", and asserted that she and other elites in Pakistan hate Musharraf because he was a muhajir, the son of one of millions of Indian Muslims who fled to Pakistan during partition in 1947. Herman has claimed, "Although it was muhajirs who agitated for the creation of Pakistan in the first place, many native Pakistanis view them with contempt and treat them as third-class citizens."[51][52][53]
Nonetheless, as of mid-2007, the US appeared to be pushing for a deal in which Musharraf would remain as president but step down as military head, and either Bhutto or one of her nominees would become prime minister.[54]
On July 11, 2007, the Associated Press, in an article about the possible aftermath of the Red Mosque incident, wrote:
Benazir Bhutto, the former prime minister and opposition leader expected by many to return from exile and join Musharraf in a power-sharing deal after year-end general elections, praised him for taking a tough line on the Red Mosque. I'm glad there was no cease-fire with the militants in the mosque because cease-fires simply embolden the militants," she told Britain's Sky TV on Tuesday. "There will be a backlash, but at some time we have to stop appeasing the militants."[55]
This remark about the Red Mosque was seen with dismay in Pakistan as reportedly hundreds of young students were burned to death and remains are untraceable and cases are being heard in Pakistani supreme court as a missing persons issue. This and subsequent support for Musharaf led Elder Bhutto's comrades like Khar to criticize her publicly.[citations needed]
Bhutto however advised Musharraf in an early phase of the latter's quarrel with the Chief Justice, to restore him. Her PPP did not capitalize on its CEC member, Aitzaz Ahsan, the chief Barrister for the Chief Justice, in successful restoration. Rather he was seen as a rival and was isolated.
2002 election
The Bhutto-led PPP secured the highest number of votes (28.42%) and eighty seats (23.16%) in the national assembly in the October 2002 general elections.[56] Pakistan Muslim League (N) (PML-N) managed to win eighteen seats only. Some of the elected candidates of PPP formed a faction of their own, calling it PPP-Patriots which was being led by Makhdoom Faisal Saleh Hayat, the former leader of Bhutto-led PPP. They later formed a coalition government with Musharraf's party, PML-Q.
Return to Pakistan and assassination attempts
Possible deal with the Musharraf Government
In summer 2002 Musharraf implemented a two-term limit on Prime Ministers. Both Bhutto and Musharraf's other chief rival, Nawaz Sharif, have already served two terms as Prime Minister.[57] Musharraf's allies in parliament, especially the PMLQ, are unlikely to reverse the changes to allow Prime Ministers to seek third terms, nor to make particular exceptions for either Bhutto or Sharif.
In July 2007, some of Bhutto's frozen funds were released.[58] Bhutto continued to face significant charges of corruption. In an 8 August 2007 interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Bhutto revealed the meeting focused on her desire to return to Pakistan for the 2008 elections, and of Musharraf retaining the Presidency with Bhutto as Prime Minister. On August 29, 2007, Bhutto announced that Musharraf would step down as chief of the army.[59][60] On 1 September Bhutto vowed to return to Pakistan "very soon", regardless of whether or not she reached a power-sharing deal with Musharraf before then.[61]
On September 17, 2007, Bhutto accused Musharraf's allies of pushing Pakistan into crisis by their refusal to permit democratic reforms and power-sharing. A nine-member panel of Supreme Court judges deliberated on six petitions (including one from Jamaat-e-Islami, Pakistan's largest Islamic group) asserting that Musharraf be disqualified from contending for the presidency of Pakistan. Bhutto stated that her party could join one of the opposition groups, potentially that of Nawaz Sharif. Attorney-general Malik Mohammed Qayyum stated that, pendente lite, the Election Commission was "reluctant" to announce the schedule for the presidential vote. Bhutto's party's Farhatullah Babar stated that the Constitution of Pakistan could bar Musharraf from being elected again because he was already chief of the army: "As Gen. Musharraf was disqualified from contesting for President, he has prevailed upon the Election Commission to arbitrarily and illegally tamper with the Constitution of Pakistan."[62]
Musharraf prepared to switch to a strictly civilian role by resigning from his position as commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He still faced other legal obstacles to running for re-election. On October 2, 2007, Gen. Musharraf named Lt. Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, as vice chief of the army starting October 8 with the intent that if Musharraf won the presidency and resigned his military post, Kayani would become chief of the army. Meanwhile, Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed stated that officials agreed to grant Benazir Bhutto amnesty versus pending corruption charges. She has emphasized the smooth transition and return to civilian rule and has asked Pervez Musharaf to shed uniform.[63] On October 5, 2007, Musharraf signed the National Reconciliation Ordinance, giving amnesty to Bhutto and other political leaders—except exiled former premier Nawaz Sharif—in all court cases against them, including all corruption charges. The Ordinance came a day before Musharraf faced the crucial presidential poll. Both Bhutto's opposition party, the PPP, and the ruling PMLQ, were involved in negotiations beforehand about the deal.[64] In return, Bhutto and the PPP agreed not to boycott the Presidential election.[65] On October 6, 2007, Musharraf won a parliamentary election for President. However, the Supreme Court ruled that no winner can be officially proclaimed until it finishes deciding on whether it was legal for Musharraf to run for President whilst remaining Army General. Bhutto's PPP party did not join the other opposition parties' boycott of the election, but did abstain from voting.[66] Later, Bhutto demanded security coverage on-par with the President's. Bhutto also contracted foreign security firms for her protection.
Whilst under house arrest, Benazir Bhutto speaks to supporters outside her house.Bhutto was well aware of the risk to her own life that might result from here return from exile to campaign for the leadership position. In an interview on 28 September 2007 with reporter Wolf Blitzer of CNN, she readily admitted the possibility of attack on herself.[67]
After eight years in exile in Dubai and London, Bhutto returned to Karachi on October 18, 2007 to prepare for the 2008 national elections.[68][69][70][71]
En route to a rally in Karachi on October 18, 2007, two explosions occurred shortly after Bhutto had landed and left Jinnah International Airport. She was not injured but the explosions, later found to be a suicide-bomb attack, killed 136 people and injured at least 450. The dead included at least 50 of the security guards from her PPP who had formed a human chain around her truck to keep potential bombers away, as well as 6 police officers. A number of senior officials were injured. Bhutto was escorted unharmed from the scene.[72]
Bhutto later claimed that she had warned the Pakistani government that suicide bomb squads would target her upon her return to Pakistan and that the government had failed to act. She was careful not to blame Pervez Musharraf for the attacks, accusing instead "certain individuals [within the government] who abuse their positions, who abuse their powers" to advance the cause of Islamic militants. Shortly after the attempt on her life, Bhutto wrote a letter to Musharraf naming four persons whom she suspected of carrying out the attack. Those named included Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, a rival PML-Q politician and chief minister of Pakistan's Punjab province, Hamid Gul, former director of the Inter-Services Intelligence, and Ijaz Shah, the director general of the Intelligence Bureau, another of the country’s intelligence agencies. All those named are close associates of General Musharraf. Bhutto has a long history of accusing parts of the government, particularly Pakistan’s premier military intelligence agencies, of working against her and her party because they oppose her liberal, secular agenda. Bhutto claimed that the ISI has for decades backed militant Islamic groups in Kashmir and in Afghanistan.[72] She was protected by her vehicle and a "human cordon" of supporters who had anticipated suicide attacks and formed a chain around her to prevent potential bombers from getting near her. The total number of injured, according to PPP sources, stood at 1000, with at least 160 dead (The New York Times claims 134 dead and about 450 injured).
A few days later, Bhutto's lawyer Senator Farooq H. Naik said he received a letter threatening to kill his client. The letter also claims to have links with al-Qaeda and followers of Osama bin Laden.
2007 State of Emergency and response
Main article: 2007 Pakistani state of emergency
On November 3, 2007, President Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency, citing actions by the Supreme Court of Pakistan and religious extremism in the nation. Bhutto returned to the country, interrupting a visit to family in Dubai. She was greeted by supporters chanting slogans at the airport. After staying in her plane for several hours she was driven to her home in Lahore, accompanied by hundreds of supporters. whilst acknowledging that Pakistan faced a political crisis, she noted that Musharraf's declaration of emergency, unless lifted, would make it very difficult to have fair elections. She commented that "The extremists need a dictatorship, and dictatorship needs extremists."[73][74][75]
On November 8, 2007, Bhutto was placed under house arrest just a few hours before she was due to lead and address a rally against the state of emergency. The following day, the Pakistani government announced that Bhutto's arrest warrant had been withdrawn and that she would be free to travel and to appear at public rallies. However, leaders of other opposition political parties remained prohibited from speaking in public.
Preparation for 2008 elections
On November 24, 2007, Bhutto filed her nomination papers for January's Parliamentary elections; two days later, she filed papers in the Larkana constituency for two regular seats. She did so as former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, following seven years of exile in Saudi Arabia, made his much-contested return to Pakistan and bid for candidacy.[76]
When sworn in again on November 30, 2007, this time as a civilian president after relinquishing his post as military chief, Musharraf announced his plan to lift the Pakistan's state of emergency rule on December 16. Bhutto welcomed the announcement and launched a manifesto outlining her party's domestic issues. Bhutto told journalists in Islamabad that her party, the PPP, would focus on "the five E's": employment, education, energy, environment, equality.[77][78]
On December 4, 2007, Bhutto met with Nawaz Sharif to publicize their demand that Musharraf fulfill his promise to lift the state of emergency before January's parliamentary elections, threatening to boycott the vote if he failed to comply. They promised to assemble a committee which would present to Musharraf the list of demands upon which their participation in the election was contingent.[79][80]
On December 8, 2007, three unidentified gunmen stormed Bhutto's PPP office in the southern western province of Baluchistan. Three of Bhutto's supporters were killed.[81]
On December 27, 2007, Bhutto was killed whilst leaving a campaign rally for the PPP at Liaquat National Bagh, where she had given a spirited address to party supporters in the run-up to the January 2008 parliamentary elections. After entering her bulletproof vehicle, Bhutto stood up through its sunroof to wave to the crowds. At this point, a gunman standing behind and to the left of the vehicle fired at her with a pistol (still photographs exist which show a man in dark glasses holding up a handgun, and film footage has also been shown in which a pistol is seen firing a number of shots whose muzzle-flashes are clearly visible). Immediately afterwards, someone in the area (perhaps the white-robed individual visible in several still photographs standing close to the gunman) detonated explosives stored about their person, killing approximately 20 people. Bhutto was critically wounded and was rushed to Rawalpindi General Hospital. She was taken into surgery at 17:35 local time, and pronounced dead at 18:16.[86][87][88][89]
Bhutto's body was flown to her hometown of of Garhi Khuda Bakhsh in Larkana District, Sindh, and was buried next to her father in the family mausoleum at a ceremony attended by hundreds of thousands of mourners.[90][91][92]
There was some disagreement about the exact cause of death. Bhutto's husband refused to permit an autopsy or post-mortem examination to be carried out. On December 28, 2007, the Interior Ministry of Pakistan stated that "Bhutto was killed when she tried to duck back into the vehicle, and the shock waves from the blast knocked her head into a lever attached to the sunroof, fracturing her skull". [93] However, a hospital spokesman stated earlier that she had suffered shrapnel wounds to the head and that this was the cause of her death.[94][95] Bhutto's aides have also disputed the Interior Ministry's account.[96]
Al-Qaeda commander Mustafa Abu al-Yazid claimed responsibility for the attack, describing Bhutto as "the most precious American asset."[97] The Pakistani government also stated that it had proof that al-Qaeda was behind the assassination. A report for CNN stated: "the Interior Ministry also earlier told Pakistan's GEO-TV that the suicide bomber belonged to Lashkar i Jhangvi — an al-Qaeda-linked militant group that the government has blamed for hundreds of killings".[98] The government of Pakistan claimed Baitullah Mehsud was the mastermind behind the assassination.[99] Lashkar i Jhangvi, a Wahabi Muslim extremist organization affiliated with al-Qaeda that also attempted in 1999 to assassinate former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, is alleged to have been responsible for the killing of the 54-year-old Bhutto along with approximately 20 bystanders, however this is vigorously disputed by the Bhutto family, by the PPP that Bhutto had headed and by Baitullah Mehsud.[100]
There was speculation that Bilawal might attempt to represent the PPP at the mid-January 2008 elections.
Reaction in Pakistan
After the assassination, there were initially a number of riots resulting in approximately 20 deaths, of whom three were police officers. Around 250 cars were burnt; angry and upset supporters of Bhutto threw rocks outside the hospital where she was being held.[91]. Through Saturday, December 29, 2007, the Pakistani government said rioters had wrecked nine election offices, 176 banks, 34 gas stations, 72 train cars, 18 rail stations, and hundreds of cars and shops.[101] Nawaz Sharif, the leader of the rival opposition party Pakistan Muslim League (N), stated that "This is a tragedy for her party, and a tragedy for our party and the entire nation."[102]
Musharraf called for a three day mourning period after Bhutto's assassination on December 27, 2007
On December 29, 2007 an unnamed senior official told Time (magazine) that Benazir Bhutto's 19-year-old son Bilawal Bhutto would on December 30, 2007 be made Benazir's successor as the leader of the PPP.[103] However, the BBC is reporting that there are three possible contenders to the leadership of the Pakistan People's Party. Depending on the will of the late Bhutto, the 3 possible contenders are (1) Ms Bhutto's widower Asif Ali Zardari who had a relative role to play during Ms Bhutto's two terms as Prime Minister; Mr Zardari was convicted with several corruption charges and was sent to jail where he served his eight year sentence. (2) Ms Bhutto's son Bilawal Bhutto who is currently 19 years old and is studying in his first year at Oxford University but is considered by some PPP members to be too young. (3) Makhdoom Amin Fahim, a senior member of the party who has been Ms Bhutto's aide since her first term as Prime Minister [104] On December 30, 2007 the late Ms Bhutto's will was read out to the leading members in her party the Pakistan People's Party the will stated that her husband Asif Ali Zardari should be leader of the party, Mr Zardari said that in these circumstances a Bhutto needed to run the party and it has been announced in Pakistan that Ms Bhutto's son Bilawal Bhutto Zardari will take the cermonial role of the PPP, whilst Mr Zardari will take on day to day work. Bilawal said that his mother told him that democracy would be the best revenge . Mr Zardari called on the British Goverment to help in an investigation into his late wife's death. And Mr Zardari announced that his children have changed thier name to Bhutto Zardari. He also announced that they will not reveal a possible candidate to stand as Prime Minister and still want the name on the polls to read Benazir Bhutto and if they won the majority of the votes they would decide who would stand in as Prime Minister.
International reaction
Main article: International reaction to the Benazir Bhutto assassination
The international reaction to Bhutto's assassination was of strong condemnation across the international community. The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting and unanimously condemned the assassination.[105] Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa stated that, "We condemn this assassination and terrorist act, and pray for God Almighty to bless her soul."[106] British Prime Minister Gordon Brown stated, "Benazir Bhutto may have been killed by terrorists but the terrorists must not be allowed to kill democracy in Pakistan and this atrocity strengthens our resolve that terrorists will not win there, here or anywhere in the world."[107] European Commission President José Manuel Barroso condemned the assassination as "an attack against democracy and against Pakistan," and "[hopes] that Pakistan will remain firmly on track for return to democratic civilian rule."[107] U.S. President George W. Bush condemned the assassination as a "cowardly act by murderous extremists," and encouraged Pakistan to "honor Benazir Bhutto's memory by continuing with the democratic process for which she so bravely gave her life."[108] Vatican Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone expressed the sadness of Pope Benedict XVI, saying that "the Holy Father expresses sentiments of deep sympathy and spiritual closeness to the members of her family and to the entire Pakistani nation."[107] Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Qin Gang said that China was "shocked at the killing of Pakistan's opposition leader Benazir Bhutto" and "strongly condemns the terrorist attack."[109][110][111]
Former women presidents and prime ministers from around the world also condemned the killing and offered condolences; "The senseless death of Benazir Bhutto is a sickening blow for the people of Pakistan, for the women of the world and for all people who cherish freedom and democracy. The selfless courage and commitment demonstrated by Benazir Bhutto will continue to inspire many others who wish to shape the future. I am sure her loss is keenly felt in many corners of the globe. I trust that the prayers of people from many faiths will bring comfort to her family, friends and supporters at this time" said Rt Hon Jenny Shipley, Former Prime Minister of New Zealand (1997-99) and Council of Women World Leaders member.[112]
On December 29, 2007, US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton stated that Benazir Bhutto might have been murdered by Pakistani troops and urged diversion of all US aid to Pakistan away from the military to social and humanitarian programs.[113]
Benazir Bhutto's books
Benazir Bhutto, (1983), Pakistan: The gathering storm, Vikas Pub. House, ISBN 0706924959
Benazir Bhutto (1989). Daughter of the East. Hamish Hamilton. ISBN 0-241-12398-4.
Daughter of the East was also released as:
Benazir Bhutto (1989). Daughter of Destiny: An Autobiography. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-671-66983-4.
At the time of Bhutto's death, the manuscript for her fourth book, to be called Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy and the West, had been received by HarperCollins. The book, written with Mark Siegel, is expected to be published in February 2008.[114]
See finally some real relevant news!
Well I suppose I have given you all enoguh to chew on, I wish all of you a happy New Year.
Mr Jones I love your new website look, Adam don't drink too many cranberry vodkas, That Dude Right there hopefully your celebicy time passes quickly so you will stop shaking, and to all of you in Black Gay Blogland including the brothas I mentioned earlier Bon Anee. Happy New Year. May 2008 bring you blessings, love, strength, inspiration, and challenges that you can overcome. Be blessed and thanks for reading. From all of you that is the best cadeaux Noel des tous...
Adieu mes zamis....
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Office Snowball Fight: net_work
This little gem makes me laugh only because I want to beam a couple of folks in the head that I work with too.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

So after I got home Alexis called me and asked me to go with her to get a tatoo. And I said yeah! So she picked me up and we drove back to Capitol Hill to here.

Where she decided to get her tatoos. Stars on her feet.
"Why feet Alexis?" I asked here.
"'Cause it would look cute and I dunno always wanted some there, it's easier to cover up." she replied. Works for me. So here are some photos of the process enjoy.

And it looks when it is now all done simply lovely.

What else are friends for but to help each other out or least document our funny faces when we're getting tatoos?
Peace and love.
Crank Dat Soulja Boy - Bambi 2
Of course this really Bumpalump too. He loves Soulja Boi. You says awwww yooooouuuu! It's cute so Bumpalump this is for you and the rest of you cause it's kinda funny.
Bambi And His Friends Are In Love (English)
So one of the cuter and more memorable prats ofthe infamous Bambi that Bumpalump and I watched the other night. This saved me from the Where's Mommy question. Thank God Bumpalump's attention span is limited.
Another development du Noel, so en Dimanche my parents and my brothers (I have 2 half brother via my mother and stepfather) are arriving in Seattle so we (my maternal family) can celebrate Noel early. Since I'm broke right now due to Noel and I am sure my parents will give a brotha some d'argent (cash) that will be most welcome. Plus I suppose it is going to be nice to see them all. It has been awhile. I mean family is family apres tout (after all). That too therefore should be fun.
Bumpalump is going to be with us oncve again this evening. Oh mo Grand met, speaking of Bumpalump. SO right now since we need a new tv we've been making use of a vcr. I know VHS is ancient but hey it still works. So anyways I got some videos for him to watch when he comes over. La Belle et La Bete (You all say Beauty and the Beast buty the story is French and set n France.), Bambi, and Shark Tale. I know good movies and so that night we watched La Belle et La Bete and then we watched Bambi...
Okay so Bumpalump liked La B&B probably because I sang most of the movie to him, but Bambi. He was pretty in to it. He liked Thumper and kept bouncin his little leg on the bed when the rabbit would do his signature move. Then came the trauma of the movie. And yes for those of you who remember or who've forgotten Bambi is a traumatic moive for the little ones... SO Bambi's mom is all like:
"Run Bambi, run and don't look back! RUN TO THE THICKET! RUN BAMBI RUN!!!" THen you hear CRACK!! Then thud. I forgot or had never heard the thud part. So Bumpalump turns and looks at me. Babmis running in a blizzard calling for his mother and Bumpalump asks:
"Where Bami Mommy?" I froze. I didn't think he would get that. But he did. SO now I'm all what do I say especially when he repats the question. Someone said I shouldn't have said what I said next but why lie. Death is real.
" Bumpalump..." I stammered. " Bambi's mommy is bye bye dead."
"Bye bye dead?"
"Yes tous tous."
OH my goodness and then his little lips started to tremble and his big brown eyes filled with water and I was like dammit Kyon you idiot you should've bought Pocahontas and luckily the next scene was springtime and Bambi, Thumper, and FLower were adults and getting ready to meet their mates and I was like:
"Bumpalump look twitterpation and birds. You like birds look! They're happy and they sing!" Bumpalump's head swung back to the screen and he started to laugh and forget all about Bambi's mother. Yeah I know good save right? Not really the next couple scenes later the forest creatures are massacred by hunters. Now this part while a bit traumatising for Bumpalump made me laugh. I couldn't help it. With his eyes locked to the screen he threw up his little hands and cried:
" NO no no! Run babies! Run abies run! No no no! Run babies!" I kidd you not he said that. It was soo cute and I just laughed and hugged him close.
" Awww Bumpalump are those your babies?" I asked. He has a stuffed bunny so...
"Yes. My babies run!" He said to me. I gave him a kiss and he seemed to alright for the rest of the movie. He actually enjoyed the film but I kinda felt bad.
Of course Trumph awas like:
"Why did he let him watch that movie Kyon? You probably scarred him for life!"
I was all:
"No I didn't! Bambi would've scarred him worse if he was older and really really knew what death and stuff is. Plus at least we know he has empathy for the pain of others from his reactions, so we know he won't grow up to be a sociopathic sadistic butcher." I deduced. "Plus." I continued, "how can you tell me about letting him watch Bambi when I came home last night before we got these movies and he was watching Freddy Kruger with you!?"
That shut Trumph up.
Oh well Disney makes his mark on all of us. Bumpalump, Trumph, you, and I included. SO here's to Bambi and Bumpalump. The princes of my forest. You guys have a great week and be blessed. And spend at least one hour with a little person you will feel wonderful later I rpomise you that. Just maybe do not watch Bambi.
Thursday, December 13, 2007

Si aujourd'hui il pleut. Typical Seattle late fall soon to be hiver weather. It's not too bad at least not as bad as last week when wee had that horrid storn that cuased parts of the state to flood in Chehalis and the surrounding areas. Oh and by the way guess whose just arrived yestaerday. FEMA. I'm telling you if some stuff goes down in your neck of the woods you have to help yourself don't be waiting for FEMA. You might not live long enough to get their help as slow as those idiots function. I mean I can not understand how there is an earthquake in Parkistan and we are there in 24 hours but it take three days or more to traverse our own nation... Yeah I suppose I won't go there. But I'm sure y'all feel me.
So besides the zoo I've been pretyy content with everything. Through sheer force of will I have decided cet saison du Noel has been un stressful and actually a great bit of fun. I'm having a Christmas Eve.s Party that I am pretty sure will be off da hook, since my birthday was so kick ass! All of my people are coming so that should be fun. SEE ALL OF MY PEOPLE!
See some of you folk out there mess up when you throw parties because you invite folkz that are kool with folkz you despise or that annoy the hell out of you. Not me. All the people coming to my party I know and I like otherwise they would not set foot in Trumph and I's sanctuary. No way no how. I realized a long log time ago I don't have to be around people I despise just beacause. What a waste of eenergy and my wellbeing. But at any rate la fete should be fun and I'm getting excited.
Also I have gotten my Trumph some nice stuff and I am prooud of that too. I mean I only got him 4 fragrances, they came in a pack, so I'm proud of myself. I can give more than just cologne even though that's all my siblings and Mom are getting. *Wink*
Also did anyone catch the Tyra Banks Model pick show last night? I did and I am glad Salishca won but I thought it should've been her and Jene as the last 2. Chantell looks like a praying mantis with white skin. I like Heather the best but ahh bien. It was a good night Alexis came by and I fried chicken and we ate and talked and stuff getting the plans for the party to be cemented. Trumph is a little worried that we may have invited to many folkz but I don't think so. We'll be fine plus I know some of the folkz I invited will cancel.
Well it seems that for now even in the rain the sailing is smooth. May you all be blessed this holdiay seanson and show love to those who need it in and out of your circles. Au revior mes zamis.....
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

That is the song I sang to Bumpalump last week as we rode the bus since Trumph at the time was sleepy and didn't want to go, to the Woodland Park Zoo here in Seattle. It was my little one's first time there and we had so much fun.

First we went the Rainforest exhibit and saw the Jaguar. She was actually incredibly beautiful and I think she is used to kids since a laughing Bumpalump ran up to her plexiglass and pounded on it. We saw of course more than her. We went to the African Village and danced, yes we did a little dance they were playing the Nasai Pota Pota song how could we not, before running through the African Savannah.
Of course it's cold so noting was outbut then I remembered the sound Zebas make on the discovery channel so I made it and alow and behold all of the zebras, gazelles, monkeys, and the like came out. Very nice. We saw he Wild dogs, Bumpalump wasn't too cool with them and then of course the Grea Apes next. Poor Bumpalump Gorillas and Orangutans terrify him, he thinks they're mutant humans who want to eat him. So he cried and screamed when he saw them but I made him feel better of course. Apparantly monkeys, lemurs, and lesser apes are more of his speed.

Then we saw everything else. By then Trumph drove out to the Zoo and joined us. Bumpalump was mostly good though I made him walk alot of the time which he didn't feel but he's getting heavy. All in all Lil man's first trip to the Zoo was stpendous and great. I hope you guyz like the pictures. You have to admit my Bumpalump is cute. of course the day ended with Bumpalump being nice and sleepy well you can see that here. My 2 men dreaming of oh who knows they just looked cute and at peace. I love you both more than you know.
All in all all is good and well. Noel gifts for Trumph have been mostly bought and I am feeling good. Peace and blessing mes zamis... A bientot.

Thursday, November 29, 2007
THE ORIGINAL Scary 'Mary Poppins' Recut Trailer
I knew I knew it! I knew that Mary Poppins was a blooming demoness she was! I felt it in me bones!! LOL! Hey guyz enjoy!
THen Gia came in last night as well but I was asleep when she got here which was just as well since they all went out and I could noth ang I needed my rest. Still I woke up around 2:30 when Trumph and her arrived back at home and we talked for a bit. Gave Gia some counsel, no not the crazy stuff I tell other peopke in my blog posts I mean some real counsel on this 18 yr old female she is dating. I thought my perspective was obkective and Gia even said:
"Comme d'habitude vous avez raison Kyon." Okay she didn't say that per se she said the English equivelent, As usual Kyon you are right. Pauvre Gia she's a little heart broekn but that shall pass. It's still so good to see her.
Ce matin I rose early SSS'ed and then made a breakfast of maple sausage, pancakes, and hashbrowns. It didn't very long but Trumph and Gia loved it and I have to admit my cooking is good. We ate and watched day time tv and just have been catching up and planning our next moves for this Saison Noel. We shall see but it seems if naything things around chez nous will not be uneventful. Let's just hope they stay good.
Well that's all for now. Be blessed and show love to each other guyz. Adieu.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
1. Went out last weekend with Trumph, Kimiko, Roberto, and Amet Bey to R Place and the Crescent for a night of dancing and drinking and karaoke. Much fun, I had a blast except for the next day when I went to work early in the morning. Yeah that part wasn't cool but it was aiight. I made it thru. By the work is doing alright if i exclude the countless hordes of idiots I must deal with on a daily basis but work is what it is n'est pas? Ouais mo konne.
2. Bumpalump's father has finally decided to take an active interest in the life of his son. It's about fucking time but better late now than never, bumpalump is still young enough to want a relationship with his dad I welcome that. Even if his deadbeat father is a homophobe. Apparently according to Amorita Bumpalump is well we shall hopefully see him soon for I miss my babykins.
3. Speaking of Amorita she seems to be recovering nicely from the miscarriage of the baby and I am glad to say that just by having her around more Trumph and I have had a hand in that. See family is family whether by blood or not. When someone in the family is hurting you're supposed to be there for them. I know that is how it is supposed to work and I know it don't always so it's nice to see and be apart of that now. So to all of you who've turned your backs on someone you love who is hurting stop doing that. Tomorrow aint promised to you and it aint promised to them. All the chest beating, wailing, hollering, rolling around, and trying to climb in the casket don't do nothing but make you look even more guilty ( as far as the emotion of guilt that you're so balantly displaying unless your are a consummate thespian and then well to that I say show love when folkz are alive or not all) when they go so get up and show them love now. Plus wouldn't you want someone to do that for you?
4. Gia who is one of Trumph's best friend's and a friend to me as well is staying with us for the Noel and Kwanzaa holidays. She arrives to day. Aie mon Dieu I can hardly wait we are going to have so much fun. Of course I'll be cooking alot but I like to cook it calms and relaxes me. It will be all to the good. Hurrah pou Kwanzaa, Noel, and Jesu Christ. (We don't say Jesus in French we say Jesu so no that was no a typo!)
So that is all for the news in my world.
I feel lately content and alive, I'm happy with me, myself, and I. No issues have resurfaced and I am taking steps for them not too. I am especially proud of myself for just continuing to do well and not growing weary in it. Thanksgiving was nice. I spent a comfortable evening with friends eating and watching Hairspray and Cars. Hairspray the remake was good, even better than the original film, Cars well, Bumpalump probably should've been there but after I got over the stupidity of the film it was kinda cute. I liked 'em both.
So sometimes in relationships or in life when you date men you have to be able to emotionally manipulate them. Oh whatever do not act as if none of you have not done that, cause you have. So here are some ways to do that.
1. If you are not in the wrong cry. If they love or you are in serious lust for you it was paralyze them and make them putty in your hands. Make sure you sob while clutching your chest and ask:
"Are you trying to kill me?" But don't cry if you're in the wrong it just seems to piss males off in general unless they're suckers.
2. Always smile. I've found when you smile and act as if you're not hurt or offended by males they will continue on as if there is nothing wrong and you can lull them into a false sense of security while you plot vengeance upon them that is cathartic for you. Like once some guy slapped me and I just smiled at him and walked away laughing. He thought I was crazy but soon forgot about me. Later on that evening I struck him in the back of the head with something heavy and blunt while he wasn't paying attention. So yeah this strategy works.
3. When a male refuses to commit to you but wants to still have sex with you and see you but can't seem to day I love you stage a public discussion with him and let him present his side. Then say:
"It's fine I understand. So you don't want to be with me, but you want to keep fucking me and going out with me and yet have the freedom to do the same with other people. So I see, so you don;'t want me for your man just as your whore!" Concubine and courtesan work too but whore seems to get there attention faster. Please though don't say the word ho when you use this trick it sounds much to trite.
4. Cry some more and act as if you're despondent. Be careful though sometimes this will scare a man into thinking you're a raving bipolar soldier and u don' want that. But usually that will make them fold.
Have I tr ed all of these methods. Yes and they all have worked because I know who and when to use these methods with but all males even I can be susceptible to them. Evne though I look for such methods but hey I've got a dick sometimes he thinks for me.
Finally things Love about this Fall so far:
1. Love Heros and I can't wait what happens next week. And to think I thought that show was stupid at first.
2. Babies and toddlers because they are cute, honest, and I have one.
3. All the new music that is out this season though I have to say I think Alicia Keys is good but she does reach a Little far on some of her songs. Hey it's my opinion!
4. My dreams because well..Uhhh...Hmmph well I'll; just keep those to myself for now.
5. Gia is coming to Seattle what's not to love.
6. I'm getting gifts on Christmas. (I BETTERGET SOME TOO!)
7. My family back in Portland that can often be asses are actually missing me very much and are wanting to see me and all this stuff. Yeah so that means I don't have to put up with their bullshit when I finally do make an appearance. Gotta love that.
8. My brother and sister because well they're here and I'm going to dinner with my sister on Friday. That will be the bizness!
9. My coworker Amelier because she makes me crack da hell up and we get to talk in silly British and Southern accents and it's a hoot. Oh whatever it's funny if you hear it!
10. Myself because well I'm doing GOOD.
Ahh bien well that's all for now be blessed mes zamis....
More of my vidoe crazieness this is funny to me and hte beat is kinda nice too. I wanna go out now.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Noel. That is what we say for Christmas in French and or French Creole. Noel. A huge economic and religious holiday in the Western World that I live in and one that always leaves my pockets lighter. So the questions is what do I get Trumph. Well he already gave me a list it's just I really hate shopping for other folkz but myself call me selfish if you want too.
I usually am known as Mr. Fragrance. If I'm dating you I don't buy you a shirt or give you a dozen roses for your birthday, no that takes too much time, well at least the shirt thing does and flowers die so what is the point? I won't buy you an outfit or dvd or a book unless you directly ask me to do so...No I buy you cologne. Now most guys like this but if you are with me for awhile you may find my choice of gifts to be old after the like the 2nd time. So I can't just buy Trumph a fragrance especially not on Noel. He gave me a list which I like fool told him to do and now I must deliver which won't be hard it's just....Aie mo Gran Met I have to shopping with those other freakazoids for the holidays.
Noel shoppers are evil. Especially now that I am realizing that Bumpalump needs a gift and I am going to be heading to a Toy Store. Bloggers be thankful in this instance you have no little ones nothing is more terrifying than Toy Shopping around Christmas. One Noel's eve I got my nose almost broken by some over eager White Man who thought I was trying to snatch the last Elmo from the shelf. Not to be outdone I blackened his eye... Sigh....Good times. But anyways you get the point it will brutal out there. Yet I must do it cause I love my Trumph.
Now here yet again is another catch pou Noel. So what do you do if you get something you can't stand. Trumph is not a great gift giver. He always gets me trinkets which are like cute but I don always totally feel them. He is better at say planning parties and stuff but gifts I don' know. And I really want an Xbox or Xbox 360 for Noel and I am hoping he will get them for me because i have been dying from lack of video game stimulation! And well I'm just a tad bit frightened of what he will get me and how I will have to paste my great big smile on my face and say:
"Oh baby! I love it!" While my eyes roll in my head as I embrace him close to me so he won't see my eyes rolling. I've never really been good at faking that I like gifts. In fact someone once called me ungrateful because I shouted at them in anger (it was my Uncle actually he bought my brothers all this cool shit and I got a fucking tool box, playing cards, and a bag of peppermints while my brothers got seven colognes, 3 shirts and 2 cds each! WHAT DA FUCK IS THAT?! Fer Oncle Timothy tu beke avec peau noir!!):
Sigh...That was not a good Noel in that instance. If I remember correctly it sucked none fm y gifts but 2 were good that day. SO I dunno. Holidays can be fun or they can be like:
"WHAT DA FUCK WERE YOU THINKING WHEN YOU PICK THAT SHIT OUT FOR ME!!! YOU KNOW I HATE THIS CRAP! ASSHOLE YOU BOUGHT THIS FOR YOURSELF!" Which is something we men do (alot if we are honest, I've done it before and stopped because I hate having it done to me) and well many of us in here in BG Blogland are well Gay so there ya go.
Still with all the lights going up and the preparations being made their is a bit of excitement in the air. I think I'm going to have a Holiday party. Now that will be fun.
All in all things are much better than they were month ago and I am feeling good, doing good, and yes being good. I suppose mistakes are natural but failure, by that I mean the spirit of failure is not. Okay right now some child is shrieking upstairs and it is beginning to irritate me. Bumpalump would never behave in such a fashion, he has been trained not to throw such nasty little tantrums like that.
Speaking of Bumpalump. SO he was so cute during the AMA's. He was all dancing and jumping around. And singing. We sing all the time. He cracks me up and still is the best part of my life. SO his favorite words are now, can you guess?
NO and MINE. Right Terrible twos are upon us. Have been for at least 3 months and getting stronger every day. SO the other day while in the apt he says:
"Dis mine. Dis is mine." He looks at me in the face his brown eyes flashing with mischievousness and declares, "and dis is mine too.!"
"No Bumpalump it is not it's mine." I tell him. Bumpalump's little face scrunches in defiance which is so funny to see and he cries aloud:
"Well then what is mine?" I ask him wondering what is going to come out of his little mouth. Bumpalump stopped for a moment and seemed to be deep in thought and then he looked at me and said:
"Nothing." Yes I cracked up a good while. And on that note I shall let you all be. Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday but not too much. It doesn't do for people of African Descent to be celebrating the genocide of the Native Peoples of the US. Especially when their destruction was directly linked to our own. But still have fun. Give love, show love, eat, drink, be merry, and then take a nap.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Japanese Toilet Training for Kids (English Subtitled)
I am making Bumpalump watch this. I do not care though this is hilarious.
So I thought long and hard before posting because I wasn't sure how honest I should be for what has transpired as of late in my life. So if you get offended or want to send me some kind of nasty message I shall tell you to stop reading this post or decline. This blog is about me and my own health, my soul, my mind, and my sanity. It is my place to heal, to confess, to be real with myself. So it is in this facon that I choose to post what I will this day.
So many things have happened these two weeks good and bad for such are the experiences of life. I lost control two weeks past and relapsed. Please no posts of how ashamed I should be or how stupid I am or how wrong my actions were. I am and have been during these days my greatest judge... I almost lost everything and to that end I have been vigilant to continue on my journey...I know why I did. Part of it was complacency, not being strong enough to admit maybe I need help, being too proud to express my emotions...Because I hate the holidays. Around this time I have been known to relapse. No I do not do it every year but if there is ever a time for me to seek fleeting comfort it is these holiday times. Especially this year. It's just having to see my fmaily frankly scares me at times. My homosexuality is still a big issue and I always feel so inadequate in the greater scheme of things when it comes to them. While my striaght younger brothers shine simply because their dicks rise for females. There I said it.
Things have been going good for the most part but this time of year makes me want to scream. It's the idea of being around my family or part of my family that I do love but who drive me insane. I don't know perhaps there is no explanation other than that I was not vigilant enough. So now things are better andI am in a better place but still the darkness holds on and even if it resides in the slightest parts of my soul, I resolve to be more vigilant to recognize it and be aware of the fact. Enough about that now I just had to share that.
Two weeks past Trumph and I were privy to knowledge of a most blessed and wonderful kind. Amorita, Bumpalump's mother was pregnant. I wasn't supposed to say anything since originally she was to have an abortion but then she decided to keep the child and it was cool I mean knowing that another Bumpalump would be amongst us in this world. Then this week she miscarried no thanks in part to the idiotic dokte under whose care she was. She started spotting on Monday Night and called them.
"Oh there is nothing wrong..." They sang to her as if blood dripping from a woman's vagina when it is not her period it normal. Next day Tuesday she was seized with cramps of a nature so violent she could barely move. I know because we had to watch Bumpalump this week as well as last. Still all was well the dokte sang to her. Today the child is dead and she is not well. Not in soul or mind...
Pauvre Rita she won't eat, does not want to be alone. I can feel her pain almost I told her there was nothing she did wrong, that these things happen but my words felt so hollow. How can I bring comfort to someone who has lost her child in her womb? It;s like there is nothing appropriate to really say and all I want is to stop her pain. I told her that she still has Bumpalump and Gods ways while not always ways make sense to us are the best.
We went to brunch today, Rita, Trumph, Bumpalump and I, then I broke away to come blog. It has been awhile since I have done this and the release feels good...Healing. A salve to my soul. If anything Rita's miscarriage has changed me already, a shock to my system to just keep it together for her and lil man and I will. Brunch was good for Bumpalump has as sual through all of our troubles put a smile on our faces and song of joy in our hearts, still today there is an air of tragedy hanging over our little family. Trumph and I are the only one who know and I suppose that is for the best...
As for Trumph he is doing alright, he is if nothing else a good man and I know at times I do not deserve him. he loves me, and I know that when I look into his eyes that everything will be alright. It was this steadfastness of peace that made me love him in the first place. That has not changed.
Lately I have been reflective, watchful, and just doing what I need to do. Meetings, working doing well with that, I finally have a day off after 10 straight days of work. okay I know a rest well earned. Work is cool though I have to admit I have a great deal of fun there with my coworkers. BreAnn one of my friends is having a birthday party this weekend that I will be attending so that should be cool. We're just going to go Fridays or something. I look forward to it.
Roberto our very good friend is back in town and his presence has been no small comfort in these crazy weeks to Trumph and I, Bumpalump adores him and Roberto is teaching him Espagnol.
I feel clean now. As if all of the bad and wrong is balanced with the good and this blog post has been if nothing else therapeutic. Keep Amorita in your prayers of comfort and if anything pray greater strength for me. I have overcome so much I just have to keep on overcoming. And hat is what really what life is for all of us. Continually overcoming to be the best men or women we can be. In spite of the hurdles, rivers, mountains, and accidents we endure and encounter along the way...
Aujourd'hu j'envie bien. Je serais d'accord. I will be okay. Now I am smiling. To all those in blog land be blessed and Mr Jones i hope you found out where you want to go for vacation.
A tout alors....
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Tonight is date night for Trumph and I that should be fun....He's going to the Crescent to play gigs and I think afterwards he's taling me dancing. I want to go dancing, I'm in a shake my ass mood. We shall see.
The weather is nice today not bad or nasty just kinda perfect. As usual with me all is well as well can be, knock on wood, for yours trully. Right now I'm just chillin doin my own thang waitin for tonight. God I get paid next week and can't wait for that either. Not much to report really all is well, job is good, Trumph is good, Bumpalump is good, ad I am enjoying feeling relatively stable and slightly domestic. Oh and Mr Jones we have no rain today... Oh shit I already said that earlier huh? BM (blond moment) sorry. Hopefully this will be a good week coming up....I'm surei t will and I know Imma have a good weekend. PAIX!
Salut Mes Zamis Sak Passe!
Enter my world for a second... What? Huh? Well yes there are Black People in the NW and yes we have a vibrant culture up here. I mean naw Seattle aint Atlanta or NYC or DC or Chicago or any other city with a huge Black Population, but it's my home and there are few places as beautiful... Not too mention in all of the NW Seattle and Tacoma have the highest Black Population. So come on enter the world of Kyon....Yon Yon Yon.... Sigh. I was trying to make an echo sound. Now look I I know I got some typos and things so be patient with me folkz.... Cause I get excited when I write... Okay there is no excuse 'cept that it's my page I do what I want! *smile*


Yeah when I was younger I could've been considered a geek. Always my eyes fixed upon a world none could see. Always seeking to escape from the mundane things of this life.

But a geek I think of as dreamer, someone one who delights in things outside of the ordinary.
Just Me Again

And why not? Dreams were not meant for the sleeping times

For the ordinary world need not be such a boring place. There's always more than enough room for the things that make one smile.
Wolf Rider

Bear Claw
Blood Elven Prince

Worlds within worlds
Drow Hunting Party

Dark Elven Elegance
Adieu mes zamis....

May the light of Elves shine upon you....I know it's corny but this is my page!