So I just completed a financial aid thing which will consolidate my loans and get me access to more Financial Aid so I can continue with schooling which is essential for my plans to get out of the shitty jobs that I have been doing for like uhm well forever. I tell you my work seems to be never ever finished but it's kool and good that I have friends like Erock to help me out when I am in a jam. And how helps me w/o him I've non idee what I would do sometimes.

At any rate I am at his place right now having just finished that and we are probably going to go to the Cuff. It's the Sunday Tea Dance. I wonder why they are called T Dance 'cause we never drink tea there not even iced tea, well there is that sweet T vodka but well you know what I mean.
It should be fun so we shall see bye guyz adieu...
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