Si bonjou mes zamis it's been a bit hasn't it since I've last spoken with you. Alot has taken place since that time. Classes have finally ended and I am on break. I know se tres bien pou moi. J'ai besoin des fois pou moi-meme. It has been okay. I did very well good infact in all of my classes nothing below A or B work. Haven't yet seen my grades but I am pretty sure I did well. I got as I said a scholarship as well which is a very good thing and this will cover the schooling costs which is a blessing. I am proud of myself and so are my parents which hearing that made me smile.
I had lunch with them at Charlie's on the hill. Mom is getting over her sickness but she has to wear a small O2 tank. I know Kyon watch the ciggs areound Mummie! She is however recovering well and hopefully she will be able to have it removed by the dokte this week. Lunch was pleasant the food good, the conversation stimulating. They informed that they are selling their house and moving to a farm in Tigard. Which is seems crazy to me but they can't afford the mortgage any longer and they just had to sell to get out. They are not exactly crazy about it but my stepfather and mother are troopers and they are determined to make the best of the situation. David, my stepfather will be closer to his congregation in Tigard and Mom...Well she will just deal I suppose.
So I returned to Portland for a wedding this weekend. My cousin Jomo got married... And he married a white woman... I know I know but hey who am I to stand in the way of love. For if one has love what more does one need? Okay a whole lot more in some cases but you get my meaning. He is happy and Rebecca his new wife really does love him si il ya va. The next day I came back to Seattle with my brother Tim and his girl Lish who is in the photo with me... Aint she just lovely? I hope they marry! Anyways we came back and went to a ceremony honoring my late granny Charlene. My grandfather is a big supporter of the NW Kidney Center and he got a conference room named in her honor. The Center also does a lot for people of Color in the CD and South End communities of Seattle. So that was really good Grandpa did a great job and I told him Grandma would've been proud. I believe while she was looking down she was.
Trumph is going to rehab for a month I promised him I would visit him. I suppose this hopefully will be the first step in the right direction that he has taken in a long time. I am proud of him for that and wish him the best.
Halladay a dear acquantice to me and friend to say many committed suicide last week, apparently he had been depressed and drank battery acid. I know a grim horrid business. I hope his soul has flown to the side of the father and not to the side of the jable. Oh Halladay you idiot! Thousands came to your funeral and are mourning your passing! If only you would've trully known how much you were loved you would've never thought you were a burden.... You would've never killed yourself. Find peace my dear one.....
Finally there is a male that I think I really like. He has the body type I like, he has goals, he is handsome, he works, and he supports me in the school thing...I am treading slow with this one. I just don't want to mess this up...See he holds me...I have not had someone hold me like him in so long. He tells me to lay my head on his chest and he holds me against him and I feel so secure and safe... If you wanna get me, if you want my heart make me feel like you are safest place I know.... And you shall have it and he has totally done that with me... Still he kinda sends out mixed messages so I am trying to hold back my feelings... But oh when he holds me... I have just wanted to see him since I got back only so he would hold me.... And on that note I will end this post. Be blessed all of you and remember if you see someone hurting do not be afraid to intervene. You never know what people are going through and I can;t imagine any of you want a Hallady type situation in your circle either. Bissous mes zamis!!! PAIX!!!
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