Another tight song!!!
My life, poetry, novel posts, videos, just Kyon on the web. Pictures too! Bienvenue entrez s'il vous plait!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Michael Jackson - Heaven Can Wait
SO ends my tribute. Heaven unfortunately would not wait. However such a life for good or ill that he lived. Mike thank you. You gave me songs that made thing, made laugh, made me dance, made me sing, and for that I thank you. Since I heard you converted to Islam Inshallah and rest easy in the arms of Allah. Bon nuit Michel... Adieu....
Michael Jackson - Wanna Be Starting Something
Do you really wanna be starting something? Come on now!
Michael Jackson - Thriller - P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)
Now some of this is just music but hey this was the goodness. How could you not want to dance to this! He was a weirdo true but oh so talented and I bet all of you that everyone in the sphere of where his music was heard has at least one favorite MJ song!
Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal
Annie are you okay? Well apparently not she got struck down and it was her doom but hey this video is still the shit!!!
Michael Jackson - Remember The Time
Do you remember? Ahh! When this video aired we were young and innocent then. Evne though his with Iman was not all that Iman looked good or as ER-I-Double N says Iman knows she looked good, and hey the dancing was da shit!!!
Michael Jackson - Keep it in the Closet
This video made no sense to me but I loved this song and the music was good Naomi was hot and it as not bad.
Michael Jackson-Butterflies (Improved)
This is another one of my most loved of his songs. I sing this for Karaoke. Plus he be blowin' his off on this song!!!
The King. (R I P M.J.
I loved this song and this was in his time that he was in my opinion he was at his greatest!
goodnight Michael
I 'm an MJ fan. Maybe not as much as Marcus but I liked the guy. So here is my blog tribute to Michael Jackson. Just so you know I was on the bus when I got the news via text and I could not believe it.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
1. Type the CAT Letter and accompanying info.
2. Register for Fall Quarter.
3. Hold onto money for Gay Pride Weekend.
4. Do some shopping for some personal grooming stuff.
6. Get haircut.
Full week. Wish me luck paix!
AND of course party during the weekend. Meet a handsome male. I dunno about you but GP always makes me want to mate. It's usually a get some weekend so yeah get sum that's good too. And now to lunch with my Winter Knight E-r-i double nn!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
How I Roll
Some very nice looking porn stas are telling you to get tested and stay negative. Your health is your health take care of it and please bruthas be careful.
I mean I know it may sound trite or cliche but sometimes for me because of my past mistakes I find it a little hard to beleive in my heart that Jesu et le Bon Dieu still loves me. I know I can't be the only person to have felt that way. Yet here has been through all of this crzieness of the past year, loving me, providing for me, keeping me, protecting me, sending blessing after blessing flowling my way. The fact that I am still walking around living and living well to some degree tells me that all is not lost.
I am no longer the same and I feel that slowly the goals I felt forced to bury could possibly now be attainable. In short.....Whew had to take a breath I feel stronger, better, faster but not boinic. Who wants to be bionic anwyas, I want to be a mutant. But anywho seriously even though everything is not all good, life is alirght. And I am so thankful to God. So thankful to him for what he has given me.
I hope and I pray still that this still works out. I do and I have faith that it will..
Sunday, June 07, 2009
No Booty Calls
Kelly is back and here again I am doing some more youtube stuff again so here you go just for you.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
So all is good at least as well as expected. My world is beginning to brighten more and more and for that I am well. Finally as I have been hinting it looks like my fortunes are changing slowly but surely. for that and anll of my blessings I am grateful. Thank you Lord. Well good night my luvs, sweet and most pleasant dreams. Adieu et bon nuit. Bissous.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
In the meantime I ran into Mr. Meth, this male that I think that I dislike him so much it's close to hate. Like I would not be bothered if he expired. I know that is horrible to say but it is honest. And I am at least that. He really pissed me off by generally being a meth head who was coming down and generally being his scummy, worthless, waste of African genetic material self. But then when we parted ways and I no longer felt homicidal wrath I then felt a sense of deep sadness for him. I hope Mr. Meth gets his shit together. I really do.
Seattle is so lovely this time of year. It really is. So MT, he is leaving town in about a month. Going to DC. I was a little envious when I heard the news but glad for him. Seattle has not always been good to MT. I hope he finds and receives what he needs in DC. He and I chilled and sunbathed in Cal Anderson park. That's the park on Capitol Hill I go to quite a bit and just hangout or walk through. It's pretty nice save the drug fiends that are sometimes there but they never bother anyone. I got to feel up his chest for a bit, Mt's chest I mean. Trust me if you saw it and he let you, you would too.
Yes ete is definitely here and with a whole new set of adventures and it's own heat driven craziness but I'm game. I mean how often do we in Seattle get this kind of weather. I'm loving it. The nights are warm and balmy, the days hot. I love it. Well fun chatting goto run...Adieu....
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
"Oh I'm doing the wrong things! But now I'm doing them the right way!" Jus kidding. Well not really no I am. I mean I am not dealing with certain things, and in soome ways while I still love to dance and sing and skip about, climb trees and sing to the moon on summer nights and drink.... I don't do it nearly as much as I once did. And it is true for me as I have heard that as you get older you stop caring so much what anyone thinks. Which is true. Even sometimes people who are your friends. I guess now I am so concerned for my well being and my happieness that if you are not with me to help me or be there for me, then you are inconsequential to my needs or you are part of the problem. I don't have time for the things I used to put up with. Speaking of which JAviav really pissed me off this week and I think this will be the last time he angers me. Ever! Non I won't do anything to him other than deprive him of my friendship. I am not a SNITCH! Never have been. Why SNITCH when you can WHITE MAIL? See I call it WHITE MAIL instead of BLACK MAIL because let's just be real here doesn't BLACK MAIL sound like somethin' a WHITE MALE would do? Yes it does. SO I see WHITE MAIL. Plus believing a HOB instead of a dark Elf like me? Whatever it is of no consequence what's done is done.
Anyways besides the grant writing class I had fun this last weekend with Anne Elizabeth aka Titania Queen of the Summer Court aka my beloved friend Terry!!!! We tore the club up and danced and laughed at people with ugly clothes which hey isn't that why we all go to the club! OF COURSE!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!! Oh by the way I am Mab the Queen of the Winter Court. Not cause I like Winter I am just kinda evil. Me and Terry or excuse me Terry and I must always balance each other. And on Dimance I went to church and that was nice because they fed us all day and well I like free food.
Let's see what else aie aie aie!!!! I got an IPOD. A new gadget. Now if I can only stop erasing it. SMile. Alright my loves. I suppose that it is all I have to go. May the light of sun and love of life warm your hearts and then may you share that warmth with another who needs it!!! IT's SUMMMER!!!!!! HURRAH!
Oh I almost forgot on Sunday at Church I am doing a solo. No of course I won't burst into flames, how dare you? What an ugly thing to say. But maybe pray that I do okay and that I don't shatter anyone's eardrum. I know never a dull moment and every day an adventure. Well it aint my fault you read this. Bissous boiz.....
Salut Mes Zamis Sak Passe!
Enter my world for a second... What? Huh? Well yes there are Black People in the NW and yes we have a vibrant culture up here. I mean naw Seattle aint Atlanta or NYC or DC or Chicago or any other city with a huge Black Population, but it's my home and there are few places as beautiful... Not too mention in all of the NW Seattle and Tacoma have the highest Black Population. So come on enter the world of Kyon....Yon Yon Yon.... Sigh. I was trying to make an echo sound. Now look I I know I got some typos and things so be patient with me folkz.... Cause I get excited when I write... Okay there is no excuse 'cept that it's my page I do what I want! *smile*


Yeah when I was younger I could've been considered a geek. Always my eyes fixed upon a world none could see. Always seeking to escape from the mundane things of this life.

But a geek I think of as dreamer, someone one who delights in things outside of the ordinary.
Just Me Again

And why not? Dreams were not meant for the sleeping times

For the ordinary world need not be such a boring place. There's always more than enough room for the things that make one smile.
Wolf Rider

Bear Claw
Blood Elven Prince

Worlds within worlds
Drow Hunting Party

Dark Elven Elegance
Adieu mes zamis....

May the light of Elves shine upon you....I know it's corny but this is my page!