Si aujourd'hui se dimanche. Et il niege encore! Je deteste le niege. Deteste li, deteste li, deteste li! First of all il gele! Ouais j'ai le dire! Il gele! Secondly Seattle has no way of coping iwththis much snow so it piles up and makes the hwole city shut down and is generally and quickly becoming a pain in my ass! however it is kinda pretty even though that novelty has worn off as well. This is though a cool day. I didn't have to go to work because the office was closed. Also I am here with my homie Aron just chilin' and bloggin' to all of you. We're watching Batman and just relaxing which is what I need it is good to have friends and Aron is one of my good ones.
Trumph and I
Well Trumph and I have been doing okay. There has been on his end an attempt at friendship which I am accepting though I feel there may be more there on his part. I am not sure though of that nor is this wishful thinking just a feeling I have. I suppose that this is good. We are not full of loathing of each other and hatred so you know life goes on.
Well guyz that's it. Bon Dimanche. Good Sunday. Stay dry, have a good Noel, and above all be blessed. Adieu mes zamis!!! Bissous!
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