Just get I told you. BETCH! LOLOLOLOL! Okay so I feel good tiday even though it's raining here in Seattle and the sky is gray. I dunno. I'm frying chikcen for Trumph and I tonight and yes Fried Chicken makes me happy! There I said it, bring on the stereotype jokes even though it really doesn't apply 'cause I hate watermelon. I do. I don't like the seeds.
So lets see what has been happening? Well we have had psycho weather. Rain, rain, rain, 2 days of faux summer (I don' say Indian Summer because I find the term racist and insulting to the Native Peoples), and then more of that nasty rain. Sigh.... Well it is Seattle, we pay for the greenery with wetness. Trumph and I have been having little hiccups that have been ironed out. All is well now. We just need to continue working on ourselves and each other. I love him, but it's like that married couple love. Pretty much. Our car is in the stalled since Trumph didn't get the oil changed as he should've because he was procrastinating. So he has learned not to do that anymore. Or I will become this bitchy nagg which he hates but it makes him do what I want. Because I control the relationship he just thinks he does... Tee-hee...
We've had Bumpalump prettym uch for awhile, he is cute, rambunctious self. He is growing and that is very interesting for me to watch. I see more and more of this little person trying to find his way and learning to find his voice. His speaking skills are getting amazing and I am starting to teach him French and Gombo French Creole. Oh and he eats everything in sight.
I dunno things are good however I must address something. Okay so many of you in Blogland are having issues with your looks or you're depressed or your relationships are all a mess and well you need joy so here are ways to find joy from Kyon.
1. READ MY BLOG! I have alot of crazy shit for you to laugh at here if not just laughing at my unconventional crazy life. And for those of you who wonder does he talk like he writes yeah- I dooo--ooo!
2. Get drunk! Okay well in moderation I mean have a drunk unless your an alcoholic than do rehab cause drug abuse that controls you is bad, and when your an alcoholic you smell and piss on yourself but for real sometimes joy comes in bottle.
3. Have sex. You all look good, well most of you. You aint got to love someone but if you do then just plug or get plugged by them real good. I dunno a fuck always makes me smile. Pause...I'm sorry I got excited remembering a past dalliance.
4. Read a good book.
5. Go to the movies.
6. Go to the club and kick it with or without your crew. If yourlike me you may not need a bunch of folkz with you to do this cause I don' need no entourage but if you need one just make sure those bitches is ready to go when you are so they won't fukk up your night.
7. GO SHOpping. See GET IT!
8. Pray and aseek the Lord. Just because you're gay does not mean God does not love or hear you.
9. Call Kyon! yeah but you have to ask for my number first and even then you might not get it. You psycho.!!!
Love you all be blessed and for those who are hurting God loves you and so do others never forget that. PAIX!!!
My life, poetry, novel posts, videos, just Kyon on the web. Pictures too! Bienvenue entrez s'il vous plait!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
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Salut Mes Zamis Sak Passe!
Wassup Folkz this is me Kyon Saucier also known as Mr Kyon on A4A or Creole Elf on BGC.... Aww come on now like none of y'all are ever on those sites, yeah you are 'cause I've seen you... LOL!
Enter my world for a second... What? Huh? Well yes there are Black People in the NW and yes we have a vibrant culture up here. I mean naw Seattle aint Atlanta or NYC or DC or Chicago or any other city with a huge Black Population, but it's my home and there are few places as beautiful... Not too mention in all of the NW Seattle and Tacoma have the highest Black Population. So come on enter the world of Kyon....Yon Yon Yon.... Sigh. I was trying to make an echo sound. Now look I I know I got some typos and things so be patient with me folkz.... Cause I get excited when I write... Okay there is no excuse 'cept that it's my page I do what I want! *smile*
Enter my world for a second... What? Huh? Well yes there are Black People in the NW and yes we have a vibrant culture up here. I mean naw Seattle aint Atlanta or NYC or DC or Chicago or any other city with a huge Black Population, but it's my home and there are few places as beautiful... Not too mention in all of the NW Seattle and Tacoma have the highest Black Population. So come on enter the world of Kyon....Yon Yon Yon.... Sigh. I was trying to make an echo sound. Now look I I know I got some typos and things so be patient with me folkz.... Cause I get excited when I write... Okay there is no excuse 'cept that it's my page I do what I want! *smile*


Yeah when I was younger I could've been considered a geek. Always my eyes fixed upon a world none could see. Always seeking to escape from the mundane things of this life.

But a geek I think of as dreamer, someone one who delights in things outside of the ordinary.
Just Me Again

And why not? Dreams were not meant for the sleeping times

For the ordinary world need not be such a boring place. There's always more than enough room for the things that make one smile.
Wolf Rider

Bear Claw
Blood Elven Prince

Worlds within worlds
Drow Hunting Party

Dark Elven Elegance
Adieu mes zamis....

May the light of Elves shine upon you....I know it's corny but this is my page!
1 comment:
I needed this. Thanks.
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