Si Bonjou mes hommes et dames.... It just wouldn't be me unles I started off this new year without a post of my overall insanity now would it? Of course not. So here it is.... Life is kinda crazy, my rent is late due to checks being late andI have to pay a late fee which I don't like. The school messed up on my book money again and I misread my schedule and missed the first day of one my classes yesterday but not after shwoing up the day before (Lundi/Monday) in a class I thought I had and was not even registered for and sitting there like a moron for a half hour because I hadto wait for an apporopriate time (accoridng to Erock) to leave the class. Erock called me a moron too. Yeah well I got him back last night and called him a big ole perv because well he is one sometimes.
We went out last night to the Purr which is this cocktail lounge on Capitol Hill...

It wants to be swanky and supposedly only the upscale homos go there but I don't think it is. The clientele are mostly middle class on the lower end White guyz and snow queens, half of whom are freaking moche. Erock likes to go there and I go with him because Tuesdays is Kareoke night and we love to sing out loud. Ran into some friends Mr Dj and Chapeau Blanc and we all asang. Me and Mr Dj sang Don't You Mess with My Man and we did good. Than Erock dragged me to the Crescent for another drink I have no idea why we did this I think Erock was on a mission and then we crashed at his apt. it was all in all a good night. Now before then I was of course spending the holidays with the Erlking in Tacoma well all of the Winter Court as well. Things between are us are going really well. He met my mom and stepdad and mom's fam... Well my family you know what I mean. Yeah I know and it was good. I feel pretty happy about that and oh I made the Deans list again. I mean for all my issues this year is mos def starting off better than the last and for that I am grateful to God. Well that's it for now adieu mes zamis and be blessed.
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