Bonjou guyz in blogland. I in the library right now killing time and bloggin. So the new relationship between Queen Mab (that's me) and The Erlking is going well. We went to Portland this last weekeend and we had fun for the most part. There was one lil moment of unpleasantness but it has passed. I am realizing though again that relationships are work. Even when they are still new et all that. I am having to get to know a new man again and it can for me difficult. Especially because I have been so independant since Trumph and I have broken up. I basically did what I wanted and even when I was digging a male I didn't get rid of my other ones...You understand. But I have now and I am fully commited to this budding relationship....I just hope I don't get my heart broke again. Cause I really like him.I actually love him.... And he loves me...Oh the fear of it all.
School is going well it will be alot of work this quarter so I have to stay ion top of things but so far all is well. Classes are not too demanding and I don't have any dumb asses in any of them which is an improvement because I have had stupids in my classes previously. U know I find some things so funny as I being to age and leave that unsure and super shy and scared boi who was always comparing himself to others behind and come into who Kyon is. I say that to explain that yesterday I was on FB and hadan old acquantice that I seriously crush for start a convo with me. I chatted with him for a moment and read as he called me sexxy and all ces choses comme ca, but I was not moved. I was like in my head ur a meth head and just got out of prison...Ur bad news and I could give a fuck about a crush on you in my 20's those times are over. I never said thios stuff to him I just thought it. I don't know asI get older I can just see more and more about of the bs people attempt and I just do not want to deal with. C'est la vie I guess....
Well all in all things are good and I feel good....Well that is all I suppose have a good day guyz and adieu!!
dont worry about your heart being broken. Push those thoughts away because you have already made yourself aware of the possibility now work towards something stronger. at least if it gets broken, let it not be over the same thing the last time it was. Be NEW! it is NEW! werq towards something better with each day.
A wise man once told me to be willing to be hurt. Ive never forgot that so I am giving you the same advice.
I am extremely proud of you my friend and I don't know what I'd do without you.
You keep being you and don't look back. :)
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