RIP Sean Bell. You were murdered and I pray to Jesus and the loas that your butchers get what';s coming to them. Another life taken...Why....?
My life, poetry, novel posts, videos, just Kyon on the web. Pictures too! Bienvenue entrez s'il vous plait!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Trumph and I are still together working through are issues. I still love him he still oves me nad we are doing our thang however here have been some difference. I have developed a secret exit plan. That's all that needs to be said. And no it does not involve another man. Come on now don't play me like that. If we break up I will enjoy my singleness for a bit. Still one of our issues was these house guests we have had living iwth us. Now I am a Libra I'm all about harmony and getting along so I have this incredible ability to hold my tongue and still my emotions to a degree. But I aint no Vulcan and my dealings with Logic while better thanmost is still just a dealing. So I finally had to put my foot down yesterday maorning and tell these people who have been in our apartment for 2 mois when it should've been only 1 semaine, that they had to bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce. And not to that new MC song Migrate. Which I love and adore. It reminds me of me awhen I go out. From the bar to the floor I migrate, from the club to afterparty migrate, from the after party to the niggas crib I migrate. After we finish with the thang I migrate! LOL. Okay that was my remix. Anyways they feel kinda salty and I could give no less than a shit and a fuck and that's that. Trumph and I need to move and well we can't focus on our relationship and the things we need to do. Plus one of them was diztracting Trumph from the things he needs to do before I leave his black ass. So as you see I removed the distraction. I didn't flash or get evil I just said by next Friday you need to be gone. END OF DISCUSSION! Needless to say they have begun cleaning up after themselves and shit as JoJo says too little too late but whatever I got what I need so....
ID: SO a couple of weeks ago I lost my wallet. And everything in it. Not da bizness. And the worst part was having to get a new ID. WHen I didn't have no ID. Right you know where this is going y'all. SO I had to after compiling more than enough evidence to prove who I was but not enough for the state of WA, had to end up going back to OR to get an ID. Which was kool in a way. Spent a pleasant time with my parents, they even gave me money, and well money is fun. Saw my Bajun Gradmother and spent time with her that was welcome. I miss her. She berated for me for not keeping in tuch. Mal grandfils ouais mo san. However I will be doing that inf the future. Saw Demo, Hollywood, et al my niggas it was good to hang out with them all nite long, and of course I was more than grateful I no longer live there. Of course I got my ID. I am so happy that nonsense is over and I will never loose my wallet again and if you try to steal it, I will kill you. I will. I will kill you. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
Bumpalump: Bumpalump turned 2 this last weekend. His party was wonderful, he was cute, it was cute and all was goo and lovely. Pizza, pop, cake, ice cream, laughter and giggles were had by all. We went back to Rita's house, Bumpalump's Momma, Trumph and I and chilled had couple drinks, which I made, and watched Harry Potter. Well they did. Bumpalump feel asleep in my arms and I was to far behind in on the way to dreamland. But check it my baby boi is 2. And he talks and sings, and he is so smart. Oh if only you could meet him. I love that child with all my heart and soul.
However the pizza at his fete was not cooked all the way through and I had diarrhea for 2 and a half fucking days. My ass felt so reaw I thought it was going disconnect itself from my body and run from me. Yeah not da bizness at all. And Pepto Bismal tastes abyssmal. Right. However I suppose almost dying of dysentary is the price I pay for being present for the momentousness of Bumpalump's birthday.
Speaking of which his new thing is to tell me that he is Diego with his boots, and that I, yours trully Kyon, is Dora. I actually do a good impersonation of the petite chica, and when all is said and done he finds whateverI said we were looking for and cries:
"I found it! I found it!" I never quite know what he has found, but he's happy and so then am I.
Music: Okay so the new Mariah EMC2 or whatever I love it. Migrate is my anthem for the year. Check it out if you have not. I love it. I don't do reveiew but you know, if I like it you will too. Oh nad you know what the new Mario is actually quite underrated I bought and it's good to. Kyrptonite. I like that track. Htat and No Definition reminds me of BFF.
In the News: So a couple of weeks ago Aime Cesaire died at the agae of 94. Who is that you ask? Only one of the greatest intellectuals of the African Diaspora to ever live. These articles are a lil old but whatever read them, leanr something.
Martinique poet Aime Cesaire dies at 94
FORT-DE-FRANCE, Martinique - Aime Cesaire, an anti-colonialist poet and politician who was honored throughout the French-speaking world and was an early proponent of black pride, has died at 94.
Cesaire died Thursday at a Fort-de-France hospital where he was being treated for heart problems and other ailments, said government spokeswoman Marie Michele Darsieres.
He was one of the Caribbean's most celebrated cultural figures and was revered in his native Martinique, where his passing brought tears and spontaneous memorial observances.
The French island sent him to the country's parliament for nearly half a century and repeatedly elected him mayor of the capital.
Cesaire helped found the "Black Student" journal in Paris in the 1930s that launched the idea of "negritude," urging blacks to cultivate pride in their heritage. His 1950 "Discourse on Colonialism" became a classic of French political literature.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy expressed "very great sadness" at Cesaire's passing, and said "the entire French nation" is in mourning.
"Through his universal appeal for respect of human dignity, awareness and responsibility, he will remain a symbol of hope for all oppressed peoples," the president said a statement. Sarkozy's office said he would attend Cesaire's funeral Sunday in Fort-de-France.
Martinicans mourned Cesaire's passing.
"I prayed for him," said 45-year-old teacher Jean Luc Martin, his eyes red from crying. "I studied his works, which forged my life and allowed me to see our differences in a new light."
Students at Lycee Scoelcher, a Martinique high school where Cesaire once taught, honored him in a spontaneous ceremony Thursday. "For us, only two men count: Aime Cesaire and Nelson Mandela," student Karl Dintimile said.
Cesaire's best known works included the essay "Negro I am, Negro I Will Remain" and the poem "Notes From a Return to the Native Land."
His works also resonated in Africa. Former Senegalese President Abdou Diouf said Cesaire led a noble fight against hate.
"I salute the memory of a man who dedicated his life to multiple wars waged on all battlefields for the political and cultural destiny of his racial brothers," Diouf said.
Born June 26, 1913, in Basse-Pointe, Martinique, Cesaire moved to France for high school and university. He returned to Martinique during World War II and served as mayor from 1945 to 2001, except in 1983-84.
Cesaire helped Martinique shed its colonial status in 1946 to become an overseas department. As the years passed, he remained firm in his views.
In 2005, the politician-poet refused to meet with then-Interior Minister Sarkozy because of his endorsement of a bill citing the "positive role" of colonialism.
"I remain faithful to my beliefs and remain inflexibly anti-colonialist," Cesaire said at the time. The offending language was struck from the bill.
Despite the snub, Sarkozy successfully led a campaign last year to change the name of Martinique's airport in honor of Cesaire. Cesaire eventually met with Sarkozy in March 2006 but endorsed his Socialist rival, Segolene Royal, in the 2007 French elections.
Royal called Cesaire "an eminent symbol of a mixed-race France" and urged that he be buried in the Pantheon, where French heroes from Victor Hugo to Marie and Pierre Curie are interred.
Cesaire was affiliated with the French Communist Party early in his career but became disillusioned in the 1950s and founded the Martinique Progressive Party in 1958. He later allied with the Socialist Party in France's National Assembly, where he served from 1946-1956 and 1958-1993.
SO all in all that is that in my world. So much to say and so little time ion which to say it. Just to say too I love Valentino's blog. That brotha gives me more musical hints and ideas than anyone else. Yes Valentino I have bought CDs cause you have said they were good. SO there you go, if Valentino don't feel it, it may not be worth getting. To all of Blogger reunioners I wish I could have been there it looks like it was fun but I had alot going on so well... What else to say.
I dunno I am still Kyon and I am still here. SO to all of you in my blogland, be blessed, be good to each other and show love to all even those you deem unworhty of receiving it.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Fiddler on the roof - Tevye´s Dream
This was my favorite part of the movie and when I used to watch this as a child it would scare my little brother and he was so cute hten would let me hold him. So this musical moment has some sentimental value.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Now what is not so good. First of all I lost my wallet. Lost it all the social security carte, the ID, tous que j'ai besoin oh and a great deal of cash ouais I lost! So I am broke trying to scramble to get an ID it's a whole mess. See it iant easy being me, infact as much I like myself I would not wish me on anyone else.THat didn't come out right, well hopoefully you know what I mean, I've benn havin' problemes amour problemes amour....But I of ocurse irrepressible me still has hope becuase I've got the breath of life in my lungs and all is well still. I mean it could be worse. I could be living in a war zone or somewhere horrific like that. So as bad as it is it can be worse.
Oh and I have the most wonderful news. SO I am going to try to submit some work for an anthology a Black Gay one. You know like Brother to Brother or something like that. So I am working very hard at this chance. See I've always wanted to be a writer, I wanna do sci fi. Ouais big suprise right. But you know why not. I mean so much of Black Gay Fiction is so...Blah. I love him, he loves me, we break up, lots of sex all that crap. I dunno, I just think that we have so many stories that should be told. So why not put them out there. SO hoepefully this could be my chance. Which would be kinda cool, well beyond kida it would be the shit. I am so hapoing this will work out. All I suppose I can do is just pray right that's it.
Well eeveryone be blessed and have a good wekk guyz and wish me luck.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Thursday, April 03, 2008
YOUTUBE EXCLUSIVE: Send me your stereotypes
Queen Raina of Jordan is speaking from her heart as all of us have at one time or another to combat racism and etc. Listen, take it in, ask a question if you need to, and then hopefully learn something. That's really what it is all about!
Keke Wyatt Feat. Yo Gotti - This That 2oo8 video
I found this lil gem online today the newest Keke Wyatt song and it's hot! She's a bad ass too.
Syleena johnson--Special occasion
Well it can't be all doom and gloom. I love this song and I love this chick's voice. I dunno I been on the Syleena Johnson kick lately. Well here it is nothing new unless it's new to you but the song is lovely nonetheless.
Iraqi girls as young as six forced into prostitution (2007)
So here you are something for us all to think about. War is not just a thing that affects one part of a society. It affects and destroys all facets of it. Especially one that is so wrong and unjust like this one. We cry for the fallen soldiers who die so far from home in the sands of Iraq, but who cries for these girls? Who protects or cares about these girls? Where can they go to become all that they can be? This breaks my heart and wounds my soul.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
So Plush feat Ja Rule - Damn
Speaking of DAMN, well here's that video. I've had a moment like this once or twice before. Sometimes it is just too late...Ahhh bien.
I recently got yet another raise that will be on my soon coming check (which thank God again cause I'm broke). Trumph and I are doing well. Our houseguests however, at least one of them has worn out his welcome. I had to flash on him last night because of some very rude text messages he sent me this past Dimanche, that frankly incensed me. He knows not to be so disrespectful again especially when Trumph and I are doing him a favor. Things are cool now but he might have damaged a friendship with a brotha from Chitown named Terry I met just a couple weeks past who has been hanging with me on Saturday nights. I'm hoping he did not Terry is cool people.
Printemps is finally here and for that I am overjoyed. I want to jump and sing and dance but I won't not yet at least not here. I'll save that for Friday Night when I go dancing. I can hardly wait for it to get really hot but enough on the weather that will work itself out... I just been working and writing some more. I will finish the story about the Soucriant in a couple of weeks I promise for those of you who have read it. Hopefully you've enjoyed it.
Well here's another piece of writing. Hope it moves you I kinda wrote a song. I actually wrote it when my ex and I, G and I broke up years ago..
Triste Chanson
So where do you go when in you suffer in silence?
Do you speak the hurt away hoping that the pain will break?
Did you mean the words you said when you left me,
‘Cause it feels like some bad dream from which I will awake but I don’t.
I need comfort.
Be it in a Bible sitting in the pew,
You see pain still comes thru I just can’t forget you.
Be in the bottle or be in a blunt.
It just won’t take it away and I ‘m so awash in pain…
So forgetting the past and yesterday,
Looking to a brighter day I can never get that far ‘cause you a hold of my heart.
I never knew I’d feel this way and it feels worse day by day oh baby tell me that you’ll stay cause you got a hold on my heart.
So my friends tell me I should just move on,
Forget about the man he aint no good aint you glad he’s gone.
And I wish that you would just release me, yeah.
Cause in some way you’re holding me back from ever getting along yes you are.
Give me comfort.
Be it with my folkz while we hangin’ in da cut,
I feel lost and I feel bound because you just aint around no-no.
Be from the pulpit while the congregation prays
It don’t chase my blues away cause I’m needing you to stay.
So forgetting the past and yesterday,
Looking to brighter days I can never get that far ‘cause you a hold of my heart.
I never knew I’d feel this way and it get's worse everyday oh baby tell me that you’ll stay cause you got a hold on my heart.
So forgetting the past and yesterday,
Looking to brighter days I can never get that far ‘cause you a hold of my heart.
I never knew I’d feel this way and it get's worse day by day oh baby tell that you’ll stay cause you got a hold on my heart.
And I wish you would come and hold me now,
Because I drowning in memories,
Sinking into this pit where you have cast me aside.
I’m alone again……
So what do I now that we’re broken.
Who will I make love to till the sun shows her bright face?
How can I go on living when I feel I’m dying,
Constantly crying trying to find a measure of some grace?
Why’d you go?
Where can I find comfort?
Cause I looked in the bible while sitting in a pew
It didn’t help my heart at all cause all I saw you was you
I drank a whole bottle and then I smoked a blunt
But it didn’t make it better cause I lost the man I loved.
So forgetting the past and yesterday,
Looking to brighter days I can never get that far ‘cause you a hold of my heart.
I never knew I’d feel this way and it get's worse day by day oh baby tell that you’ll stay cause you got a hold on my heart.
Yeah God I was 2 when I first penned part of this song at least the chorus. He had me all fucked up but not anymore. Aint it funny though?
1. Quiet beauty will draw them quicker than being a loud pretty bastard.
2. I am hoping that Robert Mugabe steps down and allows the People of Zimbabwe a way to rebuild their messed up economy and country. Absolute power even for those with the best intentioned hearts still corrupts absolutely.
3. I really dig ADTV. I think Derrick is sexy. AND they both make me laugh.
4. At thirty if you are still doing the dumb shit you were doing in your early 20's you've got issues.
5. Speaking of ADTV I want a shoutout on the show. The don't even know me though so whatever. Still it be cool. It would be like grownup romper room.
6. I am going somewhere I have never been this year and I'm going by myself. My Trunph is going down South for like 3 weeks without me. I'nm going somewhere. nuff said.
7. I wish there was a way we could move the Olympic Games from Beijing to just anywhere else. I am not feeling the Tibet situation at all. It's wrong and it's genocide. The very fact that the Olympic torch a symbol of freedom (in a way) is going to a city under the darkness of such intolerance, massive human rights abuses, and a lack of any kind of democracy is offensive to me as a Human Being.
8. I really hope Obama wins the election.
Well I suppose that's all for now maybe I'll give you something tomorrow guyz. Enjoy your day and be blessed.
Salut Mes Zamis Sak Passe!
Enter my world for a second... What? Huh? Well yes there are Black People in the NW and yes we have a vibrant culture up here. I mean naw Seattle aint Atlanta or NYC or DC or Chicago or any other city with a huge Black Population, but it's my home and there are few places as beautiful... Not too mention in all of the NW Seattle and Tacoma have the highest Black Population. So come on enter the world of Kyon....Yon Yon Yon.... Sigh. I was trying to make an echo sound. Now look I I know I got some typos and things so be patient with me folkz.... Cause I get excited when I write... Okay there is no excuse 'cept that it's my page I do what I want! *smile*


Yeah when I was younger I could've been considered a geek. Always my eyes fixed upon a world none could see. Always seeking to escape from the mundane things of this life.

But a geek I think of as dreamer, someone one who delights in things outside of the ordinary.
Just Me Again

And why not? Dreams were not meant for the sleeping times

For the ordinary world need not be such a boring place. There's always more than enough room for the things that make one smile.
Wolf Rider

Bear Claw
Blood Elven Prince

Worlds within worlds
Drow Hunting Party

Dark Elven Elegance
Adieu mes zamis....

May the light of Elves shine upon you....I know it's corny but this is my page!