Well things are as things are. Crazy for the holidays and I feel a bit like I'm on a train that is moving quite fast but not so super fast but fast... And I'm kind of watching everything zip past me. I'm exhausted. I mean bone tried. I can barely concentrate...Well that's not true, I herbally refreshed right now. I am just like at the end of alot of work for a period and more to come and of course all is influx. Moving a gain closer into Seattle itself, centrally located and that's cool less money too. It is a sublimely nice feelings. Things though stressful are going okay and most importantly of all this wretched year is at an end. It was not a good year and I am glad it is gone. Or rather that it is going. Oh there were good times in this year but by and large the bad far outweighed the good. Sometimes there are periods like that luckily mine seem to come after better periods.
Medically things are good with me. Financially they could be better and will be soon. Progress reports. I've been to couple little holiday fetes one at school and one oat POCAAN last night. Both were fun with lots of good fun. There is a thrill of excitement in the air though I have to admit last year was much more fun around this time.
I miss Tacoma and my Winter Court. I trully do... Now at this time I am in a relationship with Mr. W... He is adorable and sweet and good natured and loves me sooo much. All the things I have been looking for forever right? And yet he is at times seeming to lack common sense in the most rudimentary sense. He is not sharp. He also seems to be spineless at times. That is a conundrum right there. I am not so sure what to do? I mean do I stay or go... And we won't even talk about some of the drama that is around this relationship. I don't have the energy...
Ahh bien perhaps I just do not feel very in the spirit yet. I still have shopping to do and plans to make. Christmas Eve is at least accounted for. We will go to Jack Frost's house. The Wyldfae who is very much attached my Court still. We will have Duck and Ham and all the fixins so there is at least that. A proper party for the evening.
Also I think I may go to a party this weekend a Holiday gathering for Men of All Colors Together. I kind of don't always really feel those parties but free food and something to do. I loathe being cooped up for too long. So the day has been kinda just chill and yet I have gotten everything that I had today done. I am pretty happy about that. So I suppose though there is some stress things are good. And that is good. I so want this year to end just the same.
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