Bonjou or actualment bonsoir maintenant mes zamis. Sak passe? Bien jespere for all of you. I am doing, well I suppose i am well but I am just I dunno a little fretful for the future though so far God has provided me with all I need. Sometimes though I still am like really why me? Yet as my friend told me it is a part of life and it happens. You just had bad luck and bad judgment all at once. I know a hell of a combo. Still I can only say that it is God who has kept me all this time and I am getting even better in so many things. And that is good because I will stay alive to be an old man and I can bless others with my story and what God is doing in my life and my world. Even when it hurts as it has. And I am so very blessed. I have a wonderful family and a new niece that is just lovely... I should show here to you. You have to see here because she is soooo cute! I will too in another post but for now I have her and my family who are wonderful, neurotic top nosed West Indian and Black American dysfunctional fools but hey I love them still. Thank God my Creole Family is nothing like that.
I have a wonderful boyfriend who I love and who loves me so much and is so there for me, even when I do not deserve his love... And I apparently still have my looks because males still flock round me in attempts to well u know. I do miss Trumph still and I still love him but I will stick this out with Mr W for now. He is good to me. So very good to me. So this week we saw Skyline and For Colored Girls and the title is waaay too long.

Okay so I liked Skyline... I know I did though however I had alot more questions after the movie like what the hell was going on during it? What were the Aliens all that. And why did all the people of Color have to get killed before the films end? Especially Donald Faison and his parfait poitrine. And what was up with that ending? Is there going to be sequel and after all the shitty reviews who will want to see it? I still liked it and I will buy it. I am a movie collector. I am I love movies. I want to be in a movie someday I hope to be in one and no not some porno either. Cause I don't like having sex with a bunch of people watching. Just like 2 or 3... If they join.... LOL! Hey I have to laugh because if not I will be crying and I don;t like dry and itchy eyes.
It is funny how time changes things and heals old wounds, and how it solidifies boundaries and things in a person. Now I am trully in many was a different person and no this is not so much maturity but a determination. Never ever again will I hurt like I did at the hands of Gogo. Ever. Still at times I have the most horrible nightmares of him and that time with him. That is the most haunting thing of all this stuff.
However I have forgiven myself for the mistakes I made and I have accepted it. And I'm okay. In fact I am more than okay I am blessed. I am so blessed and I have very little to complain about. God is always right on time he has been and he has in many ways restored me. And for that I am most grateful. I think so many people in this country we live in take all they have for granted well I don't. not anymore because I am alive. And that gift that I have is so precious that I can never complain of the little dumb shit. Well I mean I can because the dumb shit is at times annoying, penible but the point is that I do not let it ruin my day or life. Because there is so much out there. So much life. So go out and live it. Oh and here are the photos of my niece Amilah!

Elle se si belle ouais? Bien sur oui et je l'adore! Well guyz c'est tous pou moi cette nuit. Bon soir and be blessed all of you...!
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