So I have money for my rent this month at this moment and for nothing else. Seriously. My frige is empty, I'm hungry, and well a little freaked. I am simply waiting a blesseing after that financial fuckup of me loosing money last week. Still at leat my rent is paid. Well I am being too nice because I am kinda pissed at Javiav or the Duke of Norfolk. Right aint heard of him lately. There is a reason I simply stopped speaking with him. Not like I fell out of touch I just was irritated by his possesiveness and his wierd acting like he is my man/father thing that he does that is so stifling I feel like I am in a pint sized menagerie and I am way too tall for that. Well the night I lost my money I went out to meet him and a mutual friend of ours Bullneck for a drink. I still rue the fact that against my instincts I went out to buy them drinks especially now. Javiav has been putting me thru these little hoops to borrow 50 dollars so I could just get thru the week. I am like fuck it. THe final straw he says come out to his house yesterday afternoon. I told him I would but of coure I aint never been there called him back several time to get the bus route and ui know where I get off. No response. I was getting pretty pissed. So now I am just like fuck it. I will find a blessing or something elsewhere. Still I would be lying to you to say that right now i am not liking life. I aint depresed but I am not liking life. And this too shall pass. I know it will I know it will.
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