Petit Kyon

Tween Kyon. That was not a good look for me yeah I know

Kyon and his relatives
Sak passe amours? It has been a bit hasn't it? Well I am back doing this thang and kinda reflecting. So let us see what do we have here? Classes are going well. I am in school and I have homework, papers due, projects to create, worskshops to attend. I am exhausted but I am loving it. I have gotten As on just about everything and that is wonderful. I still have a crap load of papers too write though and I am not so enthused about them but I can do it. I mean I am in the process of a major life change. Javiav and I are no longer friends. We had one last interchange around my schooling that hurt me so badly what he said that I simply have nothing left to say to him. End of discussion. I do not need a friend to act like some possesive emotionally abusive boyfriend. I have certainly no need for someone who tells me that what I endeavor to do will fail!So I axed that one, but I do miss him. Life is so much sometimes... Aie aie.

There are other things happening in my life which are not so fun. Granny Lucille my stepfather's mother, my Bajun Granny is dying. She has 2-6 mos to live so say the doctors. I hadn't tlaked to her much since I moved to Seattle so I when I found out the news I called her. She answered the phone and said...I'm starting to tear up. She said:
"Oh an answer to prayer!" And I started to loose it. We creid together. She is a beleiver in the Lord and she is not worried about the afterlife in any fashion but simply put she isn't ready to go. She wants to keep on living she said. We talked for a small amout of time, her lungs are being slowly eaten away so talking gets hard for her. I cried then. She had this cough and I could feel it racking her chest and I just wept. You see I do not want her to go either. At the same time she is a Black West Indian Women who is 89 years old and witnessed the swearing of the first Black President of the US. She has seen and been apart of extraordinary things and she has trully lwed a full life but still I hear her. Lord answer her prayer give her three more years. not for us, but for her. Please in your name Jesu....
Then Mama has pneumonia. I know it keeps getting better. I am taking all this in stride but as you can probably imagine it is hard to not be distracted by this when you are in school. See for my family or at least those connected with my Stepfather's family death seems to come in 3s. I am afraid that Mom could go and I am not ready to bury my mother. No one ever is I suppose but I am not at this point. To me she is eternal. And even though I know that all of us will one day be gone such a finality to our relationship in this way. Well it scares me. However I am praying and confident she at least will be alright.
Okay enough sadness another good thing is well maybe not good thing more like just thing...Males. Okay so I have met a guy I will call him Valas. He seems nice and he is attractive, stocky but attractive. Masculine but a church queen. I like him but I am so unsure of where this is going to or if I even want it to go anywhere. I swear I have to get out of this place and go where there are more males. I mean shoot can I find a guy like half of the guys whose blogs I subscribe 2 in Seattle? No not at all. Anyways Valas is kool we went to see the new Harry Potter Movie. It was not as good as the toehr onesa but it was still good. I even gave him some later on that night, hey we had been talking for a while and you know me, sometimes my second head thinks for me. So we are supposed to get together later on this week and I am thinking about him. Then there is Lee. Another male. I like him, we've made out and stuff but he is completely oblvious to things and I kinda want Lee but I dunno he can make me crazy with his ways. All men drive me crazy! Confound you males. You make me want you and you make me want to bash your heads in at the same time! ARRRGGGHHHH!!!! The aggravation. So who knows where this will go. Meanwhile mr. Flake the one fine super fine one who always makes dates with me but breaks em for whatever reason or can't seem to pick up his fucking phone sent me a message via BGC to call him. Yeah uhm no! I sent him a not so nice message letting him no my displeasure.
So that in a nutshell right now is my lfe and I wonder what road will it travel down now? Oh well it is an adventure and I love it and live it and what is more is that it is slowly improving. Be blessed everyone. Bissous!
1 comment:
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