Bonjou vas tous. Konmen z'affes? Bon j'espere. I am well not much to complain about for the first in long while things are begining to even out. It's sunny in Seattletoday a rare occasion even though it is still cold. Trumphj and I went to lunch today and are just kinda haning out for a minute while I just do my thang. Life is alright I am not tripping to much lately. What did you guyz thanik of Obama day? I loved it! I had a nice time that night at least and even though I had to work that day I still got to watch the inauguration. We shall see what becomes of those first one hundred days but so far he seems to be doing pretty good. I am just so glad the asshole, opps I mean Bush is gone. I hated him! But he is gone and now perhaps some the horrific damamge can be fixed that he left behind.
You know I am really having a bit of a time lately with balancing selfishness. Let me explain. See everyone is selfish. And that in and of itself is not such
a bad thing. At times being selfish is necessary. I mean someitmes yiou have to say no, many times you have to be down for yourself because no else will have you back, but at other times that shit aint cute. My friends have been telling me lately that while they love me I can be very much just for myself often. That bothers me. I mean I guess since the break up I have had to be about me. I mean no one else has really been there and it hass been hard to not always be in that mode. What i mean is that go for mine always mode. Simply because well you have been reading everything I been saying. I mean how selfish it too selfish? And I guess too why is it now so much harder to beleive anything a man who likes me says? Those males who seem to be attracted to me now I almost feel sorry for them. Almost. Not that i won't give them any play 'cause if I feel you I will but I just feel like I am colder. And it is harder to get into my heart now. I guard it so carefully.
I suppose it is just another part of growth or something. I don't know. Shoot me some comments I eman what do you think. Need some advice. I mean how selfish is too selfish? And have I finally become jaded and bitter. Well naw I aint. I know I aint. But I wish I could not be so cold. Well that's uit all of you be blessed and have a good weekend!!!
My life, poetry, novel posts, videos, just Kyon on the web. Pictures too! Bienvenue entrez s'il vous plait!
Friday, January 23, 2009
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Salut Mes Zamis Sak Passe!
Wassup Folkz this is me Kyon Saucier also known as Mr Kyon on A4A or Creole Elf on BGC.... Aww come on now like none of y'all are ever on those sites, yeah you are 'cause I've seen you... LOL!
Enter my world for a second... What? Huh? Well yes there are Black People in the NW and yes we have a vibrant culture up here. I mean naw Seattle aint Atlanta or NYC or DC or Chicago or any other city with a huge Black Population, but it's my home and there are few places as beautiful... Not too mention in all of the NW Seattle and Tacoma have the highest Black Population. So come on enter the world of Kyon....Yon Yon Yon.... Sigh. I was trying to make an echo sound. Now look I I know I got some typos and things so be patient with me folkz.... Cause I get excited when I write... Okay there is no excuse 'cept that it's my page I do what I want! *smile*
Enter my world for a second... What? Huh? Well yes there are Black People in the NW and yes we have a vibrant culture up here. I mean naw Seattle aint Atlanta or NYC or DC or Chicago or any other city with a huge Black Population, but it's my home and there are few places as beautiful... Not too mention in all of the NW Seattle and Tacoma have the highest Black Population. So come on enter the world of Kyon....Yon Yon Yon.... Sigh. I was trying to make an echo sound. Now look I I know I got some typos and things so be patient with me folkz.... Cause I get excited when I write... Okay there is no excuse 'cept that it's my page I do what I want! *smile*


Yeah when I was younger I could've been considered a geek. Always my eyes fixed upon a world none could see. Always seeking to escape from the mundane things of this life.

But a geek I think of as dreamer, someone one who delights in things outside of the ordinary.
Just Me Again

And why not? Dreams were not meant for the sleeping times

For the ordinary world need not be such a boring place. There's always more than enough room for the things that make one smile.
Wolf Rider

Bear Claw
Blood Elven Prince

Worlds within worlds
Drow Hunting Party

Dark Elven Elegance
Adieu mes zamis....

May the light of Elves shine upon you....I know it's corny but this is my page!
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