Bonjour mes amis. Sak passe? Goodness well alot has gone one. Firstly Trumph and I are doing very well. I've not single complaint. We had in fact a lovely gay pride here in Seattle as my pictures shall show. Oh it was so much fun. We hung out with friends and our apt became as bit of refugge camp but it was all good. We love people staying over. Though it was a bit of a cheat this year since we only got to have the Pride festival on SUnday but the weather was lovely. On Sat morning Terry, JC, Bumpalump and I all went to brunch which was nice. We met up with Alexis later and went on a long walk. Later on JC and I went to see Jason perfom and this other brother in the life as well as being one of THE PEOPLE Okonomde who sang. He was good. Then it was off to the club where we ran into Patrick and Dibola and we had fun.
Well okay it was crowded cause we were at R place and Patrick kept scaring me because he waslike:
" Kyon you feel that wooble wooble?"
I was like:
"Yeah that's the beat nigga."
"No it's the floor about to give way and we are all going to collapse and fall to our death!" he siad in this sinister way. It made me me scared so I pushed my way off the dance floor cause it waslike 3000 degress in the place and stayed on the lowe floors where it was more comfortable and where I would not fall to my deaht if the floor collapsed even though as my Trumph pointed out I would've been crushed if the floor collapsed cause I was on the lower level. Trumph joined us later and we had even more fun 'cause his girl Iysetu came to visit.
On GP day we went to the pride and took Bumpalump with us. He had fun even though at one point he thought the big Belgian Horse was going to "get him", but of course it didn't. He liked the parade. I told him today we were going to party and boy did we party. Not like we were drunk or naything, not at that point the baby was with us. We sat and ate, had cool drinks played in the water, I posed for pictures, and we saw Krisinte W. Who was good but kinda hoarse and she didn't sing the song I wanted which was okay but she did see me in the crowd and we head bopped in time, she was looking at me I know she was. I thought she looked like a drag queen too but she was still pretty.
Then the 4th happened yesterday and Terry and I hung out. We had fun. We saw the fireworks and went to a barbecque, and hung out with my Trumphie. I love the summer. Oh and for GP the weather was gloriously sunny. SUMMER IS MY MOST FAVORITE TIME OF THE YEAR! YES IT IS!!!! I think we are watching Bumpalump this weekend which if we do will be good. Well I hope you like the photos guyz, have a great day. And forgive my typos.
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please check you yahoo email account and respond to my email....If you do not want to , then just tell me that and I will leave you alone..Thanks for all your assistance.
God Bless
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