Bonjou mes zamis!!! Sak passe? Good for all of you I am hoping. So let us see what do we have here? Oh so much has taken place since last I actually wrote something for y'all to read. For the last 3 weeks I have been spending my weekends in Tacoma with the Wyldafae and the Unseelie Fae of the Winter Court, the Court that I rule over as Queen Mab. And we have been ahving fun and eating good! Maeve is a wonderful new friend and quite good company, Puck is cool even though he lives in Seattle and can be complicated with his bisexuality and subsequent passive agressiveness (a most Seattlite trait), and the Erlking that ruler of Wyldfae is oh sooo handsome and kool...I have a new member of hte Winter Court too, Grimalkin the Malk a new fae in my Winter Court who I will introduce to you in photo at a later date. I love Grimalkin. He can cook and he is viscious to those who do not like the Winter Court and that makes me happy! So we have been basically cooking alot, going out to the Gay Club in Tacoma called the Silverstone....Which I am enjoying for being so ecletic in it's clientele but it is definately fun. We dance, we drink, we play and I am finding finall;y a good group of Black Gay Men who are like me. Meaning that we laugh easy, like to have fun, and we will defend each other if necessary. I really like and welcome that into my life. So this week for Thanksgiving I shall be feting with the Winter Court.
I am doing so because truthfully I am not keen on going to far this season. I just am not feeling the travelling thing for Thanksgiving, maybe pou Noel but not for this holiday. Plus Erlking is making a deep fried trueky so there ya go. My Winter Knight, Jack Frost will be also having a Thanksgiving dinner on Wedenday. So I mean it's kinda kool to Thanksgivings in a row. HE-AAAYYYY!!!! LOL! Sorry guys but I live to eat. I suppose that's my Creolite coming thru. Food is meant to be enjoyed. And I freaking enjoy food! HAHAHA!
School is going fairly well I took my midterms and to my suprise (not too much really but hey I never ever get arrogant) I got A+ on both of them. Ouais chouette right? Right! I was quite excited. Now I have 2 papers to do by the end of the quarter which should not be too hard. I will keep my fingers crossed I still have a couple things I have to in the next 2 weeks and shopping du Noel aint one of them. ya digg? So u know life always keeps me busy. Trumph is doing well with his recovery and I am most proud of him for that. He has a job and is getting back into his music and well it has been a year since we broke up now and it has all come full circle. The hatred, the pain, the bitterness over our breakup it has all gone for both of us... And while we may still at this point find ourselves in bed with each other from time to time the point is that we have both grown for the better...I still love him...I always shall but what is now is what is.
This last weekend with the Winter Court was fun except that we had an infiltrator amongst us. Someone that I did not like. Some one who was trying to come for the Erlking when it clearly to all in the Winter Court that the Erlking and I have some chemistry between each other and we are getting into a lil sumthin. This hateful little creature, a Vampire of the Red Court who is just a slimy with his flesh mask on as he is without it...Demonika Singelebaba came into to town this past Thursday. He came for the Erlking...I guess they were talking online and at some point met and maybe hookied up in New Orleans. Well after that Demonika fell totally in love with the Erlking and used his venomous narcotic saliva to attempt to ensnare him. It ididn't work the Erlking doesn't feel that Vampire bitch!Well this sneaky hateful creature who lives in Houston by the way has been posting things all over Facebook talking about tyhe Erlking is my boo and shit has been kinda bugabooking the Erlking since then. The male is intense and his affection for the Erlking reeks of desperation. All of the Winter Court believes that Demonika aint wrapped too tight. Well we finally met him on Frday Night, and I had to act and bee good since the Erlking didn't want a scene. So I didn't make one but this boy kept fucking up may name, he was watching me like a hawk and he seemed to take almost malicious pleasure in announcing that the Erlking was his. I wanted to slice him into a million pieces and subject him to torments such that would leave him a pile of Ashes on Maeve's doorstep. I hoever didn't do any of that. I was polite and kind and very nice. I even helped cook for him. And still he tried to ensnare the Erlking but the ha ha was that the Erlking ended up snuggling up to me this weekend. We didn't do that damn thing but we cuddled and smooched and I got the play! HA HA HA! Fuck you Demonika!!! So that was my little bit of drama this weekend but it ended well. I went to church with Maeve and Puck... Oh and I ahve to other members of the Winter Court I just forgot. Green Jen and Leannsidhe. Now my Court is complete. Terry akak Titania has to build his Court of Summer up.... Back to Chruch so yes went to chruch with Puck, Maeve, Green Jen, and Leanansidhe. We had fun it was an ice service even though I slept through half of it. I know I don't do it often but I was soo tired. Then I went out to the Cuff and hung with Jack Frost. I danced and had a nice time flirting with males... i eman I haven't been to the Cuff in awhile for the Tdanse so you know. And now I am blogging to you. Sio you see I have been quite busy these past days of silence. Well I hope all of you have a wonderful, loving, restful, and delicious Thanksgiving and may li Bondieu bless all of you. Happy Thanksgiving!!!