This time we of the Fae cooked. Erlking and I made a fried turkey and though it was the craziest food preparation either of us have ever made... From splatters of hot butter, to our flavor syringe being to small, it was all good. Of course Demonika who was still there was a bitch to everyone that night but whatever, you can ignore such triflingness during the holidays. I mean you have to one dysfunctional twit don't cha? Vrai, vrai. Of course she angered just about all of the Winter court including our new member Vilostat

who is the most easy going of the Court but hey we still dealth with him. Even Grimalkin

treated Demonika with light and mocking laughter at his antics. Now I Kyon aka Queen Mab got a little to happy with my Winter Wine and well I fell asleep. They all went out to the club and had fun. That night I spent in the Erlking's abode. Maeve and I awakened to the Erlking being driven insane finally by Demonika... After getting some time alone with us he begged us not to leave him with that hemophage. And we didn't. Which made Demonika angry. He posted himself in the Erlking's bedroom for 12 hours. The whole time he was on the phone talking shit about us, and the Erlking. We heard everything. And we got pissed. Not as pissed as we were to get but angry enough. Later on when Leanansidhe (Lea for short) and Green Jen arrived for movie night only then did that little bastard come out of his hole and join the party. Now I must tell you about this shameless Red Court Vampire bastardly bitch! All through the days the Winter Court spent together this little shit was talking much mad shit about the Erlking. And we all heard it and we all knew of it and we waited. For we of the Winter Court never forget an insult but instead we wait for you to slip. Demonika did. On Sunday evening after a day of rest and movies, and chilling, and a wonderful breakfast the Erlking bought us all at Hobnob Demonika made her move and started a fight with Erlking.
Which I had to mediate. I finally flat out let Demonika know that Erlking don't love him, get over and either go home to Houston or live here in the apartment in peace in Tacoma until it was time for him to go. Stupid fool Demonika flew over 1000 miles without a penny to her name. Erlking was feeding her, paying for entertainment, all of it. Yet Demonika wanted to still marry him. Long story short Erlking had a many breakdown... I had to comfort him...There were some other things that came out too that I shant put here but needless to say Demonika did her damage and had her revenge. The Red Court Vampire was shipped back to Houston, reluctantly on his part I might add yesterday! Glory be to GOD!!!! So you see except for Sunday night the whole Holiday was lovely. Well be blessed guys and keep on reading. I love you all. Adieu!!!
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